How to give a new form to Don Post\'s or Rubies Helmet!

T Visor

Active Hunter
How to give a new form to Don Post's or Rubies Helmet!

Take a bad Don Post or a Rubies Helmet (very cheap!) and fill them with hot water. Hot, the're ready to take a new form!
Enlarge them (with your fingers or a knife or what you can find)and you will have a closer thing to the original Helmet. I tried it this evening and Hiiihaaa! Only the dome is too small for the moment, but that's not a problem, because I will try to build another one. I will send some nice pics with the new (old Don Post and the not sooo bad Rubies Jango Helmet). The Jango Rubies is not so a bad start for a accurate costume. I have spoken!)
Sorry for my bad english, but I'm the only froggy into this forum, ribit, ribit ...
Yes, you can do this with a Don Post 97’! you just have to find something round, like a hard ball or a globe, large enough to stuff the entire doom when the helmet is still flimsy!
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The hot water techn. worked pretty well. you just have to let it sit for a while.
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Once you have the shape you want, get the helmet in some cold water quick, this will help it hold its shape.
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snake fett wrote:

but the question really is , how do you make it keep holding that shape?
You might be able to scuff the inside of the vinyl enough to put a layer of fiberglass inside to strengthen it. Never tried it, though. The obvious downside is you'd lose a bit of inner space on you helmet, so it'd would be even tigher.

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PropReplicator wrote:

snake fett wrote:

but the question really is , how do you make it keep holding that shape?
You might be able to scuff the inside of the vinyl enough to put a layer of fiberglass inside to strengthen it. Never tried it, though. The obvious downside is you'd lose a bit of inner space on you helmet, so it'd would be even tigher.


This is what I have done and now the buckets are VERY sturdy and they keep this flared shape FOR EVER!
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Sweet! I'm glad to hear it works. I've been thinking of doing that to my DP '95 white vinyl one, but was afraid that the heat from the fiberglass resin would melt the vinyl. :D Thanks!

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I used the water technique to round out my Rubies. The weight of the water rounded out my dome then the cold water made it hold it's shape. Once it dried, I lined it with fiberglass cloth.

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