RA Vest - anyone recently get one?


New Hunter
Hey all,

I was curious if anyone has recently gotten a vest from RA. Opinions and pics would do me service.

I know there were some discrepencies in his pattern in the past. Just wondering if they ironed them out, or will I need to make special requests for an accurate vest?

Also looking for a close to/dead on vest fabric to send them for the work.

Thanks all.
Can anyone help me out here?

I only get vauge replies about RA's stuff, and he pointed me to their site for pics. Although the pics on there are way old and very innaccurate IMO. I thought the recent vest and suit they shipped better reflected the research done by many here at THD?

Come on RA soft piece owners, I know you are out there. :p

I feel your pain Klinsek. I'm also curious to see RA's stuff. The pics on his website are old and general, and the only thing he'll e-mail you is a price list or an "I'll get back to you when things slow down." It's very frustrating to say the least.

I love this prop forum and its members, but no one here has stepped up when I've asked for pics of RA's stuff... most recently his new Jango gauntlets. Despite that, everyone swears by his stuff.

It would be great if there was a thread dedicated to showcasing all of the props and costume pieces that are available to this community side-by-side. It's not worth it to spend weeks (even months) just waiting for a picture, and the only alternative is to buy blindly. That's not really an option with a hobby this expensive! :facepalm
I have a RA vest, but I'm not sure how "old" it is. I didn't buy it directly from RA. I got it from another member here. It looks pretty dead-on, IMHO. Nicely made stuff too.

Joren Fett wrote:

It would be great if there was a thread dedicated to showcasing all of the props and costume pieces that are available to this community side-by-side. It's not worth it to spend weeks (even months) just waiting for a picture, and the only alternative is to buy blindly. That's not really an option with a hobby this expensive! :facepalm

I like that idea, although I'm not sure any of the 'vendors' would. If we were able to show the comparions though, it could be a catalyst for them to re-accurize their products. That would of course be better for everyone. Hmmmm..... :)

Joren Fett wrote:

It would be great if there was a thread dedicated to showcasing all of the props and costume pieces that are available to this community side-by-side.

That would be like painting a "Bulls Eye" on the makers for the LFL's lawer's to have a nice target to see and shut them down.

With EP3 just around the corner LFL will again be looking more intensly for "illeagal" activity again as in the past when the movies were coming out.

Film? Go digital!

But that's cool. I'd love to see pics of this and anything else you've
all received from RA or anyone else for that matter. Thanks!
I deal with RA almost exclusively on my stuff. Granted, up till now, it's all been Jango and my wife's Fett Girl. However, keep this in mind: When Jeremy Bulloch was allowed to don the costume for the first time in over 20 years, LFL allowed RA to make the suit. I can personally vouch for RA and his products. Will you find better stuff than his? Probably. Everyone wants to build a better mousetrap. Someone is always improving on the available parts and RA is no exception. Will every one of his products meet the exacting standards of some members on the board? No. If you want perfection and have a vision of what you want, YOU make it. If you want a good quality product, go with RA, you won't be disappointed.

I too will vouch for RA's stuff. He is one of the best in quality. I have owned an RA vest and I was very pleased. It's not dead on, but it worked great. He's a good guy to deal with too.
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