Got your attention, huh?
Is it true that the Mystery helmet... is rather a ROTJ bucket than an ESB?
I'm in for a Mystery, but I want to make an ESB helmet.
As far as I can tell from TK409's site (gotta love that site! ), the MH looks quite ESBish to me... of course I'm not an expert.
Now, it might also depend on how tall one is.
I'm 6'4", so I don't know if the Mystery helmet will look too small on me... but from what I've heard it is not much smaller than, say a MSH2, it's rather the flare that makes the difference... or am I completely wrong?
Is it true that the Mystery helmet... is rather a ROTJ bucket than an ESB?
I'm in for a Mystery, but I want to make an ESB helmet.
As far as I can tell from TK409's site (gotta love that site! ), the MH looks quite ESBish to me... of course I'm not an expert.
Now, it might also depend on how tall one is.
I'm 6'4", so I don't know if the Mystery helmet will look too small on me... but from what I've heard it is not much smaller than, say a MSH2, it's rather the flare that makes the difference... or am I completely wrong?