IG-88 I want to start an IG-88 build...

Neo Fett

Active Hunter
Just beginning the prep work. What are some great guides, resources, and sellers?

Most importantly, where do I get a head?
Just beginning the prep work. What are some great guides, resources, and sellers?

Most importantly, where do I get a head?
The head was a car engine component I believe. I would check with R2Droid builders first for some guidance.

Sent via Holonet from Slave I
The head was a car engine component I believe. I would check with R2Droid builders first for some guidance.

Sent via Holonet from Slave I

I thought it was a Gloucester Meteor combustion chamber from the jet engine? They also used the same combustion chambers for the drink dispensers behind the bar at mos eisley.
Yep you are correct, it was a jet engine part. I knew it was an engine something. Read it long ago. Thanks for the save.

Sent via Holonet from Slave I
Thanks for the interest guys! I really want to start one, and probably will in the coming months.
I was lucky enough to come across a guy that makes resin casts of an original rolls royce derwent burner can.

I still need to research this like crazy though. Need measurements, parts, and all the other fun stuff.
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