WIP : ESB Boba Fett


New Hunter
Hi, I want to introduce you to my project. I already have a boba fett purchased of a member of the Swiss garrison, but there was a lot of things change. So I ordered a new bobamaker armor.

I started painting, this is the first time I used the airbrush with humbrol painting.

At the moment I have masked the gray and I started the yellow, but I have difficulty with the yellow humbrol to properly cover the gray.

Here are the other parts of the costume that I bought on TDH: gauntlet bobamaker wookie braids real horse hair (woodman) girth belts , vest and neck seal (batninja).

I will continue to post pictures of my point. thank you for reading me.





Looks like a great start!

If you have problems with the yellow covering try to reduce thinning ratio and increase the compressors pressure. I hate airbrushing yellow paint so i went for the topical method on my armor, but i'm sure you will manage this step
Thank you for your support.

I also waiting a Nemrod Holster, manufactured by Kcr7pr, and the end of November a new belt of ammo blet from bobamaker with new pouch and ankle Ties
I saw on the forum that some members, using magnets to attach the armor vest.
But how to choose the right magnet? What strength and size?
Can attach all the armor, so chest and shoulder? For the back, I thought of Velcro, because I have to put in the opening two.
Thank you.
I will soon update my post with new picture of my progress.

But I still looking for an answer on the magnet model to use, what strength / size to use?
Thank you for your help.

I started painting, first the armor and silver and yellow and green now but it takes some more layer I think, that will be very green and doing wathering.
I expects from boba maker the softs parts for this month.
I used 3/4 x 1/16 Inch round Neodymium Rare Earth Disc Magnets from Amazon. They are N48 and have a 5.3 pound pull force and work really well for my Bobamaker V3 armour. They were about $6 for a pack of 10, so they're relatively affordable .
I bought 1/2 inch magnets for the chest diamond and I used very strong magnets on the shoulders, knee armour and to keep the collar armour in place. I used N50 Disc Neodymium Rare Earth Magnet 1” x 1/8" . These are borderline “stupid strong”. They have almost 13 pounds of pull. They're not going anywhere.

looking great....as for magnets, I've recently bought some little square ones , they have a pull of 3.5kg, which is plenty strong enough. I have also bought some less strong ones with a hole in the middle, this way I can sew these to the flak jacket and thus double up the magnetic bond....I hope it works anyway :)

I glued the magnets to the armour and use another magnet on the other side of the flack vest. I didn't bother to sew the vest magnet as the magnetic force keeps them in place and you can adjust the armour as needed.

Keep up the good work.
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Start of weathering , green is good I find what do you think? I think weathering directly with humbrol 79 without mixing with green 76 and 78 for the dark impact on the armor. If you have any advice I'm interested.
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