Three Hole Borden Connector, Myth, Mystery or Made?

yeah, I wasn't around back in the discovery days so maybe my child-like innocence will help LOL

so, "we" don't believe the piece was cut on a lathe and flipped when they glued it in?
I wasn't around back in the discovery days so maybe my child-like innocence will help LOL

Having fresh eye on a hunt is always welcome:)

so, "we" don't believe the piece was cut on a lathe and flipped when they glued it in?

well there are some folks who are in what i am calling camp 3 "Those who believe the part was machined (created from stock)" who feel that way.

Camp 1, people who believe this dental piece was an unaltered known part, easy to place / install on the helmet. what was easiest to do for the builders
Camp 2, people who believe more likely that the builders altered a known part, nothing to complicated vise down, drill one hole - done.
Camp 3, Those who believe the part was machined (created from stock). too hard time consuming, imo
This is an awesome discussion :)

im im not sure what camp I'm in but I'd tend to agree with the one point of why would they drill a third hole in it on such a tiny part...why not leave it with 2 holes. Although the third hole can be added with ease as syper showed us, the question to me is why? Why can't even see it on screen that well, if at all .

other than that, I think everyone has some valid these discussions!

While I'm no expert concerning found parts, slave1pilot mentioned to me that when he did a run a while back he found some that had the correct sized holes. He also mentioned that he was able to turn them on a lathe as well.
My opinion is that they are a found part with the three holes, but like I mentioned, I am no expert.
Lol I'm with you Mr I'm not an expert on any subject matter trust me.

I would implore anyone who thinks they can just put a dental connector in a lathe and tuned it to please give it a shot for yourself.

JC27, your first pick as I'm sure you now understand, is a three hole connector but the small hole is on the wrong side. This could be fixed but mounting those small connectors on evan a mini lathe would be dangerous and not worth it. I have tried both methods with the later being a hacksaw and hands down mounting the connector on a vise then cutting the back half off is way more convenant. After the cut you could use a grinder to even out your cut then a file to smooth it out a bit, flip it over and use a metallic paint to finish it.

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I have a thought... The three-prong "male" end of the fitting, from the handpiece. Might they have cut the back end off that -- the bit behind the collar, maybe intending to use the pronged base as a plant-on greeblie for something, and had that straight cylindrical remnant left over... and then sawed 1/16" slices off that (and flipped those) to glue onto the cheek? I don't know if they would have done just one on the initial sculpt, and then it was a cast detail in the ones we know, or glued individual slices on all six helmets after they were cast, taking some care to position them the same. Maybe there was a feature that was part of the initial sculpt that they ended up not liking and opted to cover it up with this infernally frustrating bit.

The thing I notice is that we have some nice close-up pictures o the inside of the right cheek of the Pre-Pro 2 specifically, from when it was being molded by/for Don Post. Yeah, there's tape covering that area, holding the visor in place, but there's no bump that would be the inside of the connector if it had any depth to it.

I need to check, but that three-prong cluster looks familiar, and I'm now going to be scouring the first couple movies looking for where that might have been used...

For many of us, the hunt for the found parts is just as, if not more, exciting and rewarding as the overall costume itself.
That's true. There is that sort of "high" you get when you find something you are looking for. Thing is, I didn't know there was a part out there like that.
Bumping thread because I spent whole hour reading it ..over and over and over. =)

My other window was open on eBay. No parts as of lately. =(
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