ROTJ SE Jet Pack Detailed Paint Up Process!

Also just a quick aesthetic update, removed the masking and I'm rather pleased with how the weathering on the yellow section turned out! The misting blended really well with the other sections (thank goodness because they were masked and couldn't tell at all). After all this is done and painted I think I'll have a go at experimenting with weathering powder to see if it can improve the look of the paint job! Anyways marking all the damage in the blue section could take a while, so don't be surprised if I don't have any updates until early next week!
Nearing the final updates now!

Masked off all the previous sections (may have used excess blue tape, but since it's the cheapest part of this process ah well :lol:) and liquid masked off all the damage in the soon-to-be blue sections. There are a myriad of fine scratch details in these parts so don't try to get too accurate with the liquid mask. It's much easier to add fine details with an x-acto knife so save that for a later time!
In the reference photos on the center of the pack there appears to be a darker sections of scratch damage opposed to the stark silver. It looks a little funny and I was having trouble telling exactly which parts were this grayish silver, but seeing other people doing some parts gray confirmed that it was indeed a separate section. So for this after I had masked off all of the pure silver damage and let it dry, I hit the middle with some gray (my Rustoleum Granite) and after that coat was dry I liquid masked off all the gray damage I perceived from the reference photos (pretty much eyeball it since it's hard to tell and I'm sure no one will give you a rough time for improvising a little here :p).
I let that all dry over night and now I'm beginning to put down the first coats of blue, so I will be sure to update this thread once I've made some decent progress!
Sorry for the long break! I actually finished painting the jet pack a few weeks ago just as my spring break started but didn't get around to posting any updates about it. Anyways, to continue where I left off, after the masking on the layer of grey dried it was finally time to put on the lovely blue! Took it outside and put on a coat of Krylon True Blue, and it turned out (you guessed it) incredibly blue!
Next I misted (although it was a very heavy amount of mist) with Krylon Navy Blue to tone down the brightness of the coat. At this point I really tried to eyeball the color I liked but it's a little hard to tell with all of the other sections masked up, so just try to match it with reference photos you have. Although the AOSW pack has an almost blue-green hue to it, I figured I wouldn't be able to reasonably get that with rattlecans, but who knows maybe I'll revisit this guy with airbrush colors at some point!
After all the blue painting was done and done I left it to dry and then removed all of the masking. I was incredibly happy with how all of the colors blended together on the pack, couldn't wait to take it outside and get some pictures in the natural light! This isn't the final look of it since I still need to go in with my x-acto knife to add the fine scratches and details, but it's done for now! Also once the scratches are on I'll be coating the whole thing with a matte sealer to tone down any shininess and to put a nice protective coat on it all. Brought this baby home over break and returned with my helmet, gonna try to airbrush that and I know it's going to be quite a trek!

Anyways thanks for all the support! Big thanks to dolioshmolio and darkartist81 for having great threads I referenced plenty of time, give them a look for plenty of examples of some flawless pack work. This whole thread was made with anyone thinking of painting their jet packs themselves so I really hope I could maybe convince people they're fully capable of doing a great job on their own! If any members are thinking about taking up the process or are doing so feel free to PM with with any questions you may have and I'll try to be as helpful as I can with any tips I may have, good luck and thanks for following!
that there is a fine specimen sir .. surely a pack that looks this good would never malfunction sending you hurdling into , let's say...a Sarlacc Pit, to be slowly digested over the next 1000 years:) well done!
Haha thanks all! Hopefully this guy won't experience any "technical difficulties", hoping to have my whole costume put together in time for San Diego Comic Con (y) Anyways thanks for all your support guys, this is definitely an unparalleled community here!
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