Jet Pack New BKBT Jetpack Harness


Well-Known Hunter
This is a new harness based off my personal rig that I made about 8 years ago. Basically the same design except I added more Velcro & lost the lower strap.

I'll be posting a FS thread in the Cargo Hold for anyone interested in one of these.

The blue one is the old harness the black one the new set up. It is made of BREATHABLE 10 oz cotton duck, a cotton fill layer to add some weight & strength, & cotton liner. Everything has been serged & stress points triple stitched. Weight distribution is excellent & the design acts as both a girdle & helps support the lower back. I wore mine for about three hours straight on Halloween & didn't even notice my jetpack on. An option will be extra straps on the front that the cod can attach to & helps with weight distribution & keep everything in place.





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Do you have a price point yet? I may be interested to get one for my custom mando then if I like it maybe a second to replace my Jango set up.
Canada Post rates are taking a big hike in March so I am going to price these at $110 shipped. I'll start a for sale thread tonight & open up for 5 orders at a time, wait until all orders are fulfilled & then do a second run & so on. These are also going to be a one size fits most. The Velcro sides open up & have about six inches of travel on either side & the shoulders open up as well & you can lengthen about 3 inches. I'll measure & post a size range that it will fit. If I have to do an extra large size there will be a slight price increase due to more materials being used.
I've started a far sale thread in the Cargo Hold. I'll even put a guarantee on it if you don't like it for some reason, ship it back & I will refund your money.
Shipping one out this week & I can take on another commission. I thought there would be more interest in this than there has been, so far, I am in the hole on this project. I am only going to make enough vests to recoup my investment in materials & then I'll retire it.
Well I think it is time to retire this project. I won't be taking on anymore commissions for the harnesses at this point as they are very time consuming to produce & are keeping me from going forward on other projects.
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