My C6 Rocket-Fett Costume!


New Hunter
I had been working on this for about 2 months prior to C6. I finished it the day before I left for it!

and Yes, it does actually fire!





more pics and some pics during construction (didnt take many, was too busy building it!):

I have to thank a few members of the board like:

  • Arkady (big thanks for all her help!) She does AMAZING Work!
  • RedKraytdragon - For the Armor!
  • Fett Seven - For the fantastic jetpack!
  • Man of War Studio's for the boots!

Loved wearing it, but it was so **** hot!


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Thanks guys! it was fun and a lot of work, and I learned a few lessons on the effects of adhesive velcro strips and body heat. ugh!

what took the most was engineering the pack to fire and converting the don post helmet to look like the action figure. The armor and soft parts were a breeze to get done, thanks to the people I mentioned in the first post. great sellers and great products, really.

So, I didn't get much time to wear it (I was presenting 2 panels on thursday in the collecting track room, where I was also volunteering the rest of the time) so I was only in it on friday for the contest and then on sunday morning.

I felt like I got screwed a bit at the costume contest, but figured it owuld happen as this was a bit of a more focused costume. I just dont think the judges "got the joke". But, I did win first place in another contest at the show, so that was cool.

I am going for an even *more* esoteric and nerdy costume for C7. If only 10% of the people knew who i was this time, I am shooting for 1% next time :-D
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