Mandalorian Merc Ser Valan'ce Beskar'gam motivational gallery [Pic Heavy]

sir valance

New Hunter
Since my quest started on the Dented Helmet and it's a great resource for references and how to's... I hope this thread can motivate and inspire future projects... Most of all... Finish what you've started, I know lots of projects take time and get 'paused' never too see daylight again.. The thrill of finishing and trooping with your costume is well worth the effort.

Mandalorian Merc #813 Ser Valan'ce


My name is Sonny, born 1981. I've been active in the Belgian 501st Legion, Northern Territory as ID-7669 .

My first sw costume was "Boba Fett". I bought it from someone 2 heads smaller than myself so I had to replace all the soft parts. I never felt comfortable portraying a 'canon' character since I'm quite broad and I looked more like 'Boba on Steroïds'.


Then I found out about the MMCC and I felt relieved creating a more customized look yet upholding the highest costuming standards out there. I couldn't have done it without the help of friends at the time and the people in this community. I would like to express my gratitude on this community for:

Asok 'R.I.P.' for the extremely nice quality on the Buy'ce and rangefinder (Boba Fett version with filled up dent)
TK2280 for the nice Syntra Armor parts, which I found easily adjustable and customizable.
Bbf Replicas for the insane quality replica belt with pouches (found here on the Dented Helmet)

Mand'alor the Uniter, Novall Talon for his personal motivation, interest and advice and just the best advertisement around for this society.
And some of my future Belgian battle brothers who still have to get their own beskar'gem approved with the help on sanding, motivating, painting and general creation of my kit.


Cape is not yet finished, but it's acceptable for now like this

Custom BlasTech Industries EE-3 Carbine Rifle "Pepperbox" variant

"Aboard a YT Freighter"

"Just keeping the seat warm..."

"Securing the Medical Bay..."

"On a mission for Jabba the Hutt, posing with children to upscale the ransom demands"

Tatooine Patrol Duty...

*End Transmission*
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