origin of the actual visors used?


New Hunter
Is it common knowledge on tdh of where the actual visors came from, what they were cut from or hand made and tinted for each helmet? I was looking at the pp2 gallery pics and seeing how unique of a shape and cut the visors all had to be to fit all the different sculpts of helmets. I don't know offhand how many different sculpts there are that are screen used, I saw the chart someone made here a little bit ago with the descending family tree of helmet origins.(but don't recall the number..) just wondering if it was like "joe johnstons dads welding mask from '72" or something like that. Im going to keep searching in the meantime. thanks for reading the newbies post!! I posted in the intro threads a few days ago. love it here!!!!---chris
I remember Gino, a heavy hitter for accuracy on this forum, was looking for a visor of accurate thickness awhile back. I don't think they've been properly identified. For a long time it was scripture that the ESB visor was green, but lately it's been confirmed through eFX's access to the screen used bucket that it was smoke grey.

There is a lot of differing info on this topic, I don't think any true "accuracy" has been nailed down.
All the original helmets are believed to be from the same mold. They probably used a shield visor or a piece of smoked acrylic or perspex like we do today.
I agree with Animefan..i doubt it was anything special, probably just a piece of smoked acrylic cut and shaped. But hey, ya never know!
T-visor.com seems to still be up and running. However, i got one from "rembrandt-enterprises" on e-bay. Im pretty sure it is the same folks as T-visor, as the description is very similar and the pic looks almost exactly the same. Anyways, It is smoke, 1/8" thick formed acrylic. Very nice, and it was only $20.75 with the shipping (13.75 item cost) I used it in my DVH helmet and it fit with very minor trimming.
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T-visor.com seems to still be up and running. However, i got one from "rembrandt-enterprises" on e-bay. Im pretty sure it is the same folks as T-visor, as the description is very similar and the pic looks almost exactly the same. Anyways, It is smoke, 1/8" thick formed acrylic. Very nice, and it was only $20.75 with the shipping (13.75 item cost) I used it in my DVH helmet and it fit with very minor trimming.

That is who i just bought one from, should be here in a couple days.... They were even nice enough to include the trimmings of the visor, which i will use for the chest slot opening. I'm glad to here that they have a good product!!
I should clarify; Why wont anyone offer one in the correct shape?

There have been many makers but even though we have known the correct shape for ages, to my knowledge, no one has ever offered one.
It is necessary to install the visor in the accurate method. Additionally the shape would allow for much easier attachment with almost any other method.
How do you mean? The one i got pretty much fit right in. I didnt need to heat it or anything. The only mod i needed to do was trim one side of the top of the "T" most likey due to the fact i was installing it in my scratch build which is likely a tad off.

So what do you mean the correct shape? Do you mean how it is cut out? Im intrigued now lol ..maybe even inspired. I was thinking about sourcing materials for the T visors, but thought there was a few makers and didnt think it was needed. BUT if there is a specific trim shape i could replicate to offer something more accurate, i am all ears!
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It's easy enough to source your own, I found a local company who form sheet acrylic for me to my specification, I just trim to shape once it has been formed, cost £5 a visor. On a side note, you really want to trim the visor once it has been formed to avoid warp on the edges of the material...
T-visor.com seems to still be up and running. However, i got one from "rembrandt-enterprises" on e-bay. Im pretty sure it is the same folks as T-visor, as the description is very similar and the pic looks almost exactly the same. Anyways, It is smoke, 1/8" thick formed acrylic. Very nice, and it was only $20.75 with the shipping (13.75 item cost) I used it in my DVH helmet and it fit with very minor trimming.

This is the visor I have. Got it on ebay ages ago. I remember I had to do a little trimming and heating, but it worked out great. I actually bought a green one a few years back, but I could never bring myself to install it. Everyone said green, but I just never saw it.
Yeah it's the shape of the thing, less the curve that I am talking about.
Most visors are just a T shape. What you want is the accurate shape with curved sides. Think the shape of the entire red mandible area.

Gino is the first and only person I know of who made them like this. I took a whack at it for use in a helmet for Art but just have horrible skills so gave up making proper ones in any number.
I guess I'm just lazy and for years have been hoping that there would be a maker I could just buy some from to pop in a helmet.

You can see the accurate shape and installation methods used on my helmet here:

Please excuse the crude form of the video and most of the discussion. It was made for a small audience to prove a specific point.
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cool man! I think people havent made them like this possibly because they would only fit the helmet it was made for. Even the interiors of the same make may vary slightly depending on the layering of the fiberglass, or if they were cast in resin or glass. Im guessing most people that decided to make them wanted them to be more universal, hence the generic T shape. But i may try and make one for my FPH2 just to be more accurate :) Im pretty sure i found a place that has the smoke acrylic. Do you know the thickness it should be?

...and holy shiny helmet batman! Is that coldcast or a silver paint..it looks amazingly like metal!
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I think there would be few helmets that would be different enough to not have a decent fit. You just need to hog out alot of material from the inside because as you say, some makers go thick.
I hope FP is going nice and thin on those FPH2s but I've yet to see one. If you are going to take a whack at this use 1/8 in smoked grey acrylic of the darker variety.

As for the shiny helmet, just good old Floquil Bright Silver. :) Oh and metal ears of course.
I'm not a manufacturer by any means, but I think there would certainly be many
people interested in visors of the correct material and color.

Keegan, very informative video. :thumbsup:
For anyone wanting to do a screen accurate replica of your video, what kind of
tape did you use to stick the camera on your head??? :lol:

EDIT: This is my 4,000th post!
I remember Gino, a heavy hitter for accuracy on this forum, was looking for a visor of accurate thickness awhile back. I don't think they've been properly identified. For a long time it was scripture that the ESB visor was green, but lately it's been confirmed through eFX's access to the screen used bucket that it was smoke grey.

There is a lot of differing info on this topic, I don't think any true "accuracy" has been nailed down.

Where was this confirmation bud, I must have missed it when I read about the EFX casting? It definitely seems green (I believe shade 3 personally) in the AOSW exhibit photos, but I would be very interested on confirmation that it was a different colour (smoke) and visor altogether during ESB filming. And would be interested to know why it was replaced for the green for AOSW. Any links to the info would be much appreciated :)
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