intwenothor ESB helmet painting WIP

looking sweet Andy, im sure Raf would agree flood light pictures are better than no pictures

I have to work with what I have. I keep funny hours due to work. I was up early today to try to capitalise on what little light there was from the overcast morning. Still need some touch ups and some topical work but this ear is pretty much done.


looking sweet Andy, im sure Raf would agree flood light pictures are better than no pictures

I don't hate the flood light, just the way it distorts the colors.

I have to work with what I have. I keep funny hours due to work. I was up early today to try to capitalise on what little light there was from the overcast morning. Still need some touch ups and some topical work but this ear is pretty much done.



Wow! It looks great! Keep up the awesome work!
Wow! It looks great! Keep up the awesome work!

Thanks Raf, I use Terminal Fettler's awesome colour list but I actually had massive difficulties on this area.

I put down the grey first (grey 28+64) and then the red (60) and then the green (159+78) but when it was done it looked horrid. The grey went down fine but the red was a real pain. I mixed the paint thoroughly to make sure all the thick goop from the settling was gone but it's a very thin colour so I couldn't get it to look vibrant over the grey and had to use tons of it in many layers just to get it down at all. By the time I got the green over the top it looked awful; the green was washed out and far too olive. I wasn't happy so I had to start again.

I sanded it all back. I considered leaving it as I knew sanding it back would be quite annoying; even though it was wrong I was loathed to do it and see the work gone but decided it had to be done. This time I started with the red over the basecoat (147) and then the grey mix and then the green. This time with the green as well as the 159 and 78 I mixed a dash of green 76 as well. It looks much better than before although after I had posted this picture I've noticed an error on this ear but it one I can live with as I'm still feeling my way this time around and plan to do another one after I've had practice here (it's not the white splodge mid way down on the right section, that'll be a topical touch up).

Anyway, I appreciate everyone's kind encouragement. Thank-you.

Right, on to the other ear then.

Small updates on the rangefinder ear, not been able to work on this as I had hoped. In the words of Sandy Denny: Who knows where the time goes.

Some hardcore masking this time, double bagging, Billy two sheds/Charlie big potatoes with the tape and again used the fluid for the curve as it worked out so much better for me last time.


Silver goes down.

Masking the ear piece

and the lower section

Did get grey 79 down but bad light stopped play. Will mask that off when time allows and put the 94 over it, then move on to some of the details.

Just a few more wickets needed for this ear.

See ya.

Er, so I was looking an old thread I'd started ages ago a week or so back and saw this, my own Helmet WIP thread; then I saw that the last update was quite some time ago!!!! I haven't worked on this in months and when i found my lid it was as I'd left it with the most recent work being the completed rangefinder ear. I honestly hadn't realised I'd left it so long. Anyway I managed to get most of the basics done on the cheeks and dome but now I can't remember which old thread I was looking for or why:confused

Live the dream.







Hmm, so shamed into action by DVH scratchbuild paintup thread where he achieved more in one month thad did I in a whole year!

Onto the red sections for want of a better expression; I had thought that it was all downhill from here and that the end was in sight but nothing could be further from the truth. In fact now i've done some work on them I'd say that these sections are at least as detailed, if not more, than the tricky back panels and they cover a deceptively large area; actually far more space than those back panels! I was hoping to have them fully done by now but their fiendish complexity coupled with my general rate of progress being slower than that of one legged tortoise in a snow drift have only laboured to produce these progress shots............................. and there's still a mountain of weathering and fine work to be done!




Wow, that is really amazing work. One of the best I've seen in my time lurking the boards here.

By the way,what type of masking fluid is that and where did you purchase it?
Thanks chaps. My work is hindered by several factors although to be fair a large streak of the bone idle does come into play.

Cat, the masking fluid is humbrol maskol. Pretty cheap and easy to get hold of.

Have got thhe purple down and should dry tonight so maybe in a position to show these sections off soon but still a tonne of weathering a d detail to add.

Managed to get most of the work on the red bits done. Still some touching up to do but they are most of the way there. Apologies for the flash photography but now the nights have drawn in I won't be in a position to take some daylight shots for a few days. The flash makes the purple seem a lot darker than it is but you get the idea. The masking fluid has just come up so I have probably missed some spots (and some tape residue) and will find some more sections to be uncovered with the daylight; I have found that I'm often discovering old bits of fluid that I hadn't seen. These sections were seriously time consuming and I had real difficulty with them but they are the Helmet painting equivalent of the Dude's rug!

Dream on.








EDIT UPDATE 14/11/2013. No extra work done (not even buffed with steel wool) but managed to get a few shots off with the very last death of the daylight, which is still better than anything I'm gonna show with the falsh on at night. Hopefully be some meaningful details and updates soon.






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