WOF Boba 3D Cod Armor Templates – DRAFT –


Well-Known Hunter
Hello All,

Well since I started practicing 3D modeling on Jango’s Cod, I figuredit was time to attempt a 3D version of Boba’s Cod armor. Needless to say my CAD is a bit rusty, especially3D modeling. It took way longer than itshould have.

Take a look and post you feedback.

I have added a DRAFT set of templates for the 3D Cod. Anyone want to Beta test them? I and taping together some poster board and so far so good.


Boba Cod 2.jpg

Boba Cod 1.jpg


  • Boba Fett Cod 3D Templates DRAFT.pdf
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Thank you! I'll hopefully will be around a bit more in the future.

I have added a set of flat pattern templates to the first post for folks to take a look at.

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