Bo Katan Bo Katan (TK6683's) Build

Your Bo is amazing. I am hoping to make one too, but I don't think I could do anything as perfect, so I'm going to go for a slightly different look that will hopefully capture the artistic look of the character with the brush strokes and such as fabric is my specialty. I'm totally in awe of this costume!
This is amazing! I am working on my Bo build and I am stuck on finding the flight suit. I have looked and looked for something that will work but it seems to be a big secret! Any help would be wonderful and I would be eternally grateful!
nice! so, she's the one that appeared when I googled Bo Katan cosplay! haha
Bo is one of my very favorite CW characters :p
After 6 months, she is finally 501st approved!


Bo Katan BH-6683 Star Wars The Clone Wars TK-6683 501st Legion by TK 6682, on Flickr

Very Nice... the costume is not bad either!! :lol:
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