(WIP) Fubar's ESB Boba Fett

Oops. Been a while since I've worked on this and even longer since I updated this thread.

Here a few more work in progress pics from last September. Excuse the low resolution. Pulling these off of Facespace, I'll upload better ones when I'm home.




It's been hanging like that in my gun room for about 6 months now...

I dropped my jetpack shortly after I painted it and it broke in a few pieces so that really took the wind out of my sails on this project. I'm thinking it's time to start working on it again.
Looks good man. Hate when something happens like that and just kinda causes you to lose your momentum...can't tell anything bad ever happened to it.
Another year gone by and I still haven't finished this. With all my other costumes and droids and the new films coming out I'm seriously contemplating parting this thing out.
How much do you have left to do?

Prioritize what you want to get done, and don't overwhelm yourself. If you've got 3 projects on the go, focus on one at a time until it's complete.
Basically I need to attach the armor and paint the helmet.

Biggest problem is I keep starting and finishing other projects as I've really just lost the desire to wear this costume.
I think you need to attach the armor, and put on the suit. Get a good look at yourself. After that, if you're not feeling the same zest to finish it, it might be time to move on.

You could put some money aside and have a painter take care of the lid. That way you can work on your other projects. I did that with my TK armor. I made the helmet and blaster, but once I realized I wasn't going to have the time to finish trimming and building the armor, I commissioned it out so I could focus on other things I had on my plate. I knew I couldn't stare at a box of unfinished armor. It would drive me nuts and I'd eventually just forget about it.

But, if you really lost that desire, that fun feeling of wearing the suit, by all means, time to part with it.
Fubar, what you have here is looking stellar! I'd hate to see you let all this go as it seems to me that you're actually quite close to completing your build. Putting everything on does help and is a lot of fun! Best of luck to you, whichever way you decide to go.
Sorry to hear you are thinking about parting this out Fubar. Esp after all you have done already! I agree you should at least try it on once more and then see how you feel after.
Gauntlets seem a tad dark, but could just be lighting. Biggest thing I see is the chest armor needs some relocation. Tighter seems between the plates.
Looks good though man, fits you nicely!
Definitely come WAY too far to part her out.
Gauntlets seem a tad dark, but could just be lighting. Biggest thing I see is the chest armor needs some relocation. Tighter seems between the plates.
Looks good though man, fits you nicely!
Definitely come WAY too far to part her out.

The chest plates are terribly placed and were just taped on to get that picture. I had used magnets, but was not happy with the results so I'm still trying to figure out what method I want to use. The gaps will be corrected whatever method I go with.
I don't see the collar studs on, you might be missing them or didn't attach them for the picture. Your right shoulder bell is placed too high and should be lower. Your flight suit looks really clean and brand new in the chest area to include the flak vest. Dirty it up some.

Sent from my SM-G900V
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