MY ROTJ Fett build WIP

In some of the exibit images you can clearly see 3 green wire-like parallel lines going partially under/through the bottom of the perspex block.
OK Raf, so some people just cheat and use the 3 lines scored into the part and illuminate it with green LED's. I think I will find some green wire and lay it in the grooves. Thank you Raf.
Not much progress yet Vultana, just acquiring parts and planning the build.
The weather is improving and I finally have some time to start working on this. I am going to start some painting and i am trying to decide on spray paint or Airbrush. I am a complete noob with airbrushing, I have a gravity fed Badger and compressor available to me. I see mention of paints for airbrushing and for spray paints. my question is with the airbrush, do i need to mix colors to get the desired look or is there a list on here of what I will need for ROTJ and just layer and be good with some weathering? Of course, my own research for these answers has already begun.
I have found quite a bit of info for the Acrylic paints. I will be buying a few and learning to use my airbrush as soon as I can. In the meantime, i am trying to scale up the templates from Raf to see if i can trace my damage. If that doesnt work, i will just freehand it. I managed to get this done today. I will be putting my knees and gauntlets together as soon as I get a full day off. I'd like to fiberglass the inside of my gauntlets for strength and add the piano hinge then paint.
I have added new stencils (using my own templates as a base) to my ROTJ armor stencil thread which is closer in form to the original armor (and RKD's too), so if you have the old ones, just download the new ones, which are located at the beginning of the first post. Can't wait to see the painted armor!
I know progress is slow, family, work, and Army as well as working on my scratch build ODST has kept me pretty busy. I have started working on my knees and here is a paint test. I had an unfortunate experience with the line marker paint. when i sprayed it on, it came out clumpy and will need to be sanded and repainted again. Here is a pic before i started sanding. I sprayed some orange on top and did not remove all of the masking but you should get the idea. Please feel free to comment.
Got some paint on the collar. I know it will all need to get more weathering and some highlights here and there. Thoughts before I go to far down this path?



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If you are using IOA gauntlet do you "need" to fiberglass the inside? They are very strong as it is and I only did that to add strength to my resin ones (MOW).
I want to fiberglass the inside to make it more rigid for the hinge. I imagine it is not necessary but since they are only .060 hips, the added strength would make me feel more comfortable that they will last longer.
Thank you. Any suggestions on an orange i can use with airbrush to darken the knees up a little? I have been digging, but if someone knows and can answer, it will save me some time.
Oh yea, of course. I am working in phases. getting paint layered up then once i have it all painted up, i will begin the topical weathering to really give it character. I just hope i get the scratches as accurate as I am able.
Quick update. Next one will have the majority of armor done with paint layering and ready for the 2 stickers, chest light cut out, and then grime and a final matte coat. Then the gauntlets.
I've heard a lot of people use the term 'grime.'

Lame question - but what are you using? Grease? Oil? Dirt? Or just painted 'grimey' colours?
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