Preferred humbrol sellers? (US)


New Hunter
Hello TDH, my helmet is on the way and I'm about to order paints, but first want to do a little market research. What is everyone's favorite US e-retailer (I have none locally) for humbrol airbrush paints? The ones I'm looking at now are Hornby America, Airfix USA (which is kinda the same store as Hornby it seems) and HobbyBunker. They're all comparable in terms of price and color availability, so I'm looking for preferences on customer service, shipping rates/times and that sort of thing.
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I bought mine from They had almost every color that is needed for an ESB lid, so I assume that they would have colors for a ROTJ lid as well.
Yeah, just ordered from Hornby for the same reason. Mega had good discounts but it all pretty much evened out with shipping. Thanks for the input guys.
OMNI MODELS is where i get mine. They are out of stock of a few colors but they get em back in stock fairly quick.

OmniModels Search Results

EDIT: I also got from Between the 2 places i got all the colors i needed for a ESB Fett helmet.
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