General 22SSPLT ROTJ SE Fett Completed


Well-Known Hunter
Well guys after a long time I'm finally "almost done" lol. Ill be constantly tweeking but its put together. Here are some action shots from a 501st troop last night.

Things I plan to improve it.
*repaint the shoulders and knees with more accurate paint.
*upgraded to MOW 2013 square toed shoes.
*tailor the arms and quads on flightsuit for a more snug fit
*eventually get horsehair wookie braids




Well done bro well done!!! Only thing I can add is to dirty up that vest a bot and the spats otherwise everything looks outstanding!!!
I have most of the parts for my ROTJ SE but I really need to get some time to paint.

Yours looks good and gives me some inspiration.
Looks great! Just like I hope I can get mine to look.

The only little teensy tiny thing I'd suggest looking at is the spacing around your chest armor. The distance from the collar armor and from the lower edge of the flak vest look a bit large.
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