First ESB Bucket


ESB '13_202.JPGHey is an abbreviated pic history of my first ever ESB bucket. This is also the first ever helmet Ive painted. Let me know what ya think. Helmet is a FP v2. Painted using RalaFett Stencils
.... I weathered the carbon scoring on the dent and cheeks. Just dont have pic of it at that stage.

ESB '13_207.JPG

ESB '13_206.JPG

ESB '13_205.JPG

ESB '13_203.JPG






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Looks great. The more I look at all these beautiful paintjobs that keep popping up the more I realize I'm going to need to commission a paint job for my stuff.
Great job on the sharp detail. It looks great. The only thing I'd change is the right ear color to the floquil "Earth". #FLOF110081
Looks pretty good for a first paint and I agree about the right ear being a bit dark and as Sleepalot suggested, you might try to correct it with that color. You did a great job!
the "earth" floquil look too light I added orange to darken it. Might have gone too heavy..but again..first time mixing colors. Next bucket will be closer
the "earth" floquil look too light I added orange to darken it. Might have gone too heavy..but again..first time mixing colors. Next bucket will be closer

Yeah at first it will be but when you give it a little misting with some Grimey Black or any black really it darkens it nicely. Sorry please dont take it as negative to the great job you've already done. Just a nice step towards perfection.
Any advise is welcomed, this being my first attempt, I knew it would be a learning experience. I have another CC Asok that Im going to paint ESB too. Im meeting Bulloch in june and having him sign this one. Ill nail it next time.
Great job for your first bucket! You did MUCH better on your back panels than I did, that's for sure. I agree about the one ear, but nevertheless it is a primo paint job. I can't wait to see your next one!
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