Breastplate for airsoft.


New Hunter
I found this guide on how to make Jango Fett's torso armor (chest, belly, shoulders, and back) out of cardboard, and I was wondering if that would protect me during an airsoft fight. I mostly want it so I can look bad@$$, but I want to know how well it'll shield me. I would attach it to a t-shirt or vest, then wear it over another t-shirt (probably long-sleeved). Thanks.
requirements for safety wear and for costumes like you'll find on TDH are very different. There are a lot of variables, depending on how you craft your armor (fiberglass, urethane resin) and what kind of weapons you will be playing with and the FPS and range you'll play at. Basically, you could do it but it would not be particularly effective and may be ripped apart by BBs
requirements for safety wear and for costumes like you'll find on TDH are very different. There are a lot of variables, depending on how you craft your armor (fiberglass, urethane resin) and what kind of weapons you will be playing with and the FPS and range you'll play at. Basically, you could do it but it would not be particularly effective and may be ripped apart by BBs

We're playing with spring weapons, and I don't know about the average FPS rate of the group, but my friend said 300 FPS is a little high. We're also playing in dense woods. What do you think I should make it out of?
Think its probably a terrible idea to make body armor from anything that isnt designed for protection. You should goto an airsoft forum and research this.
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