MCM Expo Manchester

boba trooper

Active Hunter
Hi Everyone

Im helping out Supertrooper on this one, we need people to sign up for the TDH / RPF Stand at this years Manchester Expo, its in July 20th and is a great fun day to be had, we need people willing to display there props with us, its loads of fun and good banter with fellow prop makers and builders from here and the RPF, if your interested in doing it just stick ur name down on here and we will be in touch but you need to be committed to doing it as we need lots of props to show off to all them lovely people who love our work.


Hi matey i may be up for this one although i haven't expanded with building much but willing to show and lend a hand ... Jake
yeah mate that would be great anything you could do would be superb and how r u mate not heard from you in ages are things going good and you still got any of the switches.
Not sure yet eco but we are waiting with baited breath to hear from the MCM guys soon, but I think Warwick davies is going to be there.
Yes mate still have some switches ..... Had a bit of a rocky time since the last time we spoken , sort of went into myself a bit matey , you know shut the world out stuff ...Lol
Ahhhh well it will be great to see ya again mate and catch up, as soon as we have more details me or Si will let everyone know what is happening.
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