Aren't you too short for a... bounty hunter?


Active Hunter
I know Jeremy Bulloch's certainly not the tallest person, but he's still a bit taller than me. I'm only 5'5"ish, 5'6" on a good day. Do you think it will be possible for me to have a somewhat accurate outfit without looking ridiculous?

Also, is there an order you like best for obtaining individual pieces, certain pieces being better to start with, or should I just pick up what I can as I go along?

I finished from inside out. Soft parts first and worked out from there.

The armor is the fun part though, so I am sure most people would start there.

Actually, I did start with the helmet... Then the addiction grew...
I am still collecting parts, but I have tried to buy the best available which has meant buying it when it becomes available. Not everything is available all of the time especially if you are looking to buy from specific producers. Also some have a long wait time, I am still waiting for the parts I ordered first which must be around a year ago now.

I am still collecting parts, but I have tried to buy the best available which has meant buying it when it becomes available. Not everything is available all of the time especially if you are looking to buy from specific producers. Also some have a long wait time, I am still waiting for the parts I ordered first which must be around a year ago now.


This! Like Craig said..some items are limited when they are available and then may not be available for a while after. Get what you can when its available and work from there!

Also you can get internal lifts for your boots to boost ya up a couple of inches :)
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Yeah, to reiterate what others have said... just do browsing and if you are interested in stuff that is only done in runs by a certain artist, it might be smart to get in on that before it goes away. It's funny. I asked this very same question when I got here and got started, and I found that it really doesn't matter what order you go in. You just acquire what you can, when you can. You will formulate a plan that works for you.

In my case, I sold a lot of stuff... funded the most expensive items first. I have been collecting parts here and there, and now I am at least 80% paid off. I started this about 2 months ago. I went with a swift pace. Some may want to take a slower pace or to start with armor or the soft parts. You just have to figure out where you are financially, what items you want, and make a plan. Everyone here is super helpful, and they will give you everything you need as you go.

Best of luck with your build, it is a BLAST to tackle... and worth every cent and second you invest in it.
I like the idea of Boba being a skinny, scrappy guy. Nothing wrong with doing the costume at any size though. I think it will work out great for you, so long as your costume parts fit you properly.
I know Jeremy Bulloch's certainly not the tallest person, but he's still a bit taller than me. I'm only 5'5"ish, 5'6" on a good day. Do you think it will be possible for me to have a somewhat accurate outfit without looking ridiculous?

There's a couple TK girls in my Garrison who are the exact same height as you, and they use those hidden heel wedge inserts inside their TK boots (bought at a larger shoe size than they normally wear) to gain an extra 2-3" of height.
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