Bo Katan 3D Printed Bo Katan / Night Owl Build.

Looking really great April. You've come a long way since you first started doing this 3D stuff and it's looking better all the time. Keep up the great work (y)
Hey they last time we meet it was in a bar with ewoks... not many people get to say something like that. :)

Yes, I have been getting better at it the 3D printing thing, my hope it to spread the love and share my models, not put any restrictions of people copying them etc so perhaps one day others may do the same and I will ultimately benefit from their models.

Anyway I have been side tracked printing pirate stuff, and when I say pirate, I mean pirate costume not illegal stuff, so this is all I have been able to do on my Bo Katan


The nice thing is that they are pretty comfortable and I can actually kneel down on them as they are solidish and wont dig into you like some other knees. I also modified the clips so one can now sew them onto the bo Katan flight suit since its already fitted and if used with a regular flight suit the wider space is for an elastic strap.

I have yet to see how well these work in practice, but hope to find out soon on another costume.
I'm personally not that into the animated stuff, but you've done some great work on this...
I'll be looking into getting a 3D printer sometime this year.

Hopefully bump into you sometime after I've finished my mando, if I'm up your way. :D
April great job. I'm looking into getting a 3d printer and was wondering what the learning curve was for the software for the machine and the models. I have maya but never used it, hopefully it's not too bad. Can you make printable models with the free sketch up or just sketch up pro?
Incredible work!:).. really like the innovative clip design for the gauntlet locks!... this technology will change the face of the entire prop hobby for good !
Thanks for all the positive feedback, alas I have been distracted with some other projects and will return to completing this in a couple of month or so.


just curious, i'm looking forward to you doing up some models for printing the blasters.
Yeah I actually already have the blasters mostly modelled. Clone wars stuff is generally easy to model because its less organic than real life stuff and works well in sketchup, which is what I use. For example these Animated DC17s took me about 2 hours to model:

Im just sort on time right now as Im working on a big prop
fair enough, i'll just be patient, though i am looking forward to seeing this project continue.
Hi everyone, quick question, is there a source for a 3D printed set of Bo Katan gauntlets (not the plans but the actual gauntlets complete as I don't have access to a printer). I'm behind on a build and have a troop coming up. Also would love knees. Got behind schedule. :-(
Hi everyone, quick question, is there a source for a 3D printed set of Bo Katan gauntlets (not the plans but the actual gauntlets complete as I don't have access to a printer). I'm behind on a build and have a troop coming up. Also would love knees. Got behind schedule. :-(

Check out shapeways! You could use plans and have them printed. Not sure if you can pay extra to have them expedited.
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