Boushh Boushh in the works


Active Hunter
Community Staff
I've got all of the parts for a whole lotta costumes in my costume room that really need to become wearable. I'm tired of shifting boxes of parts around. I have a con coming up at the end of April that I'm working on 10 costumes for - 2 of which are Hunters (Boushh and Bo Katan).

Boushh has likely be in the works for the longest and keeps getting pushed aside by other costumes. Here's where I'm at with it so far.

I have a beautiful helmet that is almost all cleaned up. I just have to work on that sort of glob of resin in the upper visor area:


It's really tricky to get at and be able to see what you're doing.

I've done a mock up of the coat and undershirt. The coat is now done in leather with the exception of the darts in the front.

The pants have been a learning experience. I love that about costuming. I sewed leather for the first time with Zam. It's definitely different than sewing other fabrics. And in all the time I've been sewing, I'd never sewed a fly front pant. I'm fairly pleased so far with the result:



I originally did a mock up for the pants to figure out the panels. However, what I forgot to consider was the fact that the last panel has to be above the top of the boot cover. So I ended up having to reduce the amount of each leather panel to get the spacing right. And of course, ended up with Boushh capris. No good. Thankfully that part is concealed by the boot cover so I'll just add another panel to the bottom.

The crinkle part was surprisingly easy once it dawned on me how to do it. I simply cut a section of leather that was about 1.5 times wider than it needed to be. Then I soaked the leather in water, crumpled it all up in sort of a random fan pattern, tied some string around it and let it dry for days. Considering that this piece has been shoved in a bin under other leather for at least a year, I'd say it's going to hold up well.


I have all of the other parts, although I fully admit to not being able to find the upper visor lights or one of my gloves. Perhaps they are together. Some place safe. Safe even from me.

I live in an area that it's generally too cold to paint during the winter without having a heated garage. Fortunately, it's supposed to be above freezing this weekend so I'm going to try really hard to get some of this ready for at least priming. That would mean tackling the shoulder armor. Not looking forward to that. It's not designed for people with more up top and getting it to fit is tricky. I've read though that some have a lot of success with heating it up in hot water (as opposed to with a heat gun) and then wearing it until it cools. Then you take it off and start all over again. Hopefully I can make it fit well without risking the cracking at the shoulder. Any other suggestions though are most welcome!

Hopefully I'll have more to post this week on this build. Wish me luck!
AWESOME! Boushh is my second favorite bounty hunter and one of the coolest costumes from RotJ! Glad to see you working on this and can't wait to see the final product, oh... and I do not envy you on all the leather work!!!
Thanks Art!

Sewing leather isn't so bad. You just have to remember that it's like velvet and PVCs. You sew it once and that's it. The holes are there permanently. Taking it in is okay but letting it out would look terrible so mock ups are a must. Leather also stretches out a little so you have to consider that when building. And of course using the proper thread and needles as well as a machine that will be able to sew that thickness of leather are musts.

I ended up ordering new visor lights. So of course the old ones are going to show up shortly.
I'll be watching your posts on how you did the pants (pattern style and sizing, etc), for I am about to start my own. Wonderful to see another Boushh costumer on this site. I usually view The Boushh Builders Group ( Thanks for posting!
I used a commercial dress pant pattern as my start. It's a Simplicity pattern from their Amazing Fit series. Just a basic fly front no pocket/no pleats pattern. That series has options depending on your body type so I really like them. I did a mock up first to see how it fit and then marked where to cut for the panels. This was definitely some trial and error as I mentioned earlier about not remembering about the boot covers and where they come to.
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