Vult's Jango Build

Here is an update from last nights work:

I moved the helmet forward to the point of adding the pin stripes and start the weathering.


I let all the glue for the girth belt dry over night, so last night I punched the holes, laced it up with a hiking boot lace, and began dying it.




I still have touch-up work to do yet, but I must admit that I am very happy with how it came out. Especially since this is the first time I ever worked with leather, lol.
I found some really cool leather dye in a spray can from a local cobbler. I got 2 shades for my girth belt to give it depth/ wear. I used the darker one to weather up my Cruzer holster rig.



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Here is an update from last nights work:

I moved the helmet forward to the point of adding the pin stripes and start the weathering.


I let all the glue for the girth belt dry over night, so last night I punched the holes, laced it up with a hiking boot lace, and began dying it.




I still have touch-up work to do yet, but I must admit that I am very happy with how it came out. Especially since this is the first time I ever worked with leather, lol.
I found some really cool leather dye in a spray can from a local cobbler. I got 2 shades for my girth belt to give it depth/ wear. I used the darker one to weather up my Cruzer holster rig.


NICE work on the girth Vult! That helmet is looking awesome, and your blaster rig is gonna be incredible! This is going to be a great kit! Hey, thanks for that link, too... Much appreciated man..
I also made my girth belt too wide. The WIP said 7" and it looked good until I put the seeker ammo pouches over the top and then it was really obvious. I went and pulled the CRL from 501st and it said Approximately 5" or 21-22 bolo strands. So last night I carefully cut off 4 strands and brought it close to 5 1/4" to match the CRL and it does look better with only 3-4 strands above and below the ammo pouches.

My LSFU vest seems really long when I put all this on so I'm going to have to (gasp!) cut it down some once I get my harness and tie this all together via the SEEKER method.

I did a little more clean-up and detail work on the Jetpack while I wait for the decals to get here.

My vest is long like that also. It helps it to stay in place under the girth belt. But I still need to cut some holes in it for the jet pack straps in the front. Right now I just roll the vest under a bit so that I can snap the cod to the jet pack harness.
So if I can get a helmet gasket for this I will have everything I need to get level 3 (RF Servo set-up is in the mail). Of course I still have some sewing to do on the flight suit. I sewed in the clips to secure the hoses inside the sleve last night. I need to do button holes for the knees. Any other suit alterations I miss? I have bleached and dyed this thing at least 10 times now and I don't think the fabric is the easiest to work with here. No matter how much care I take to mix the bleach in hot water before adding the suit (completely pre-soaked), the bleaching doesn't lightened it evenly or nearly enough. It leaves me with spots that I have to re-dye purple and denim again. I've done this 3x now so I would love to hear any other suggestions.
Thanks Mullreel. I don't know if I could roll the extra under as it would make me even fatter than I am :p. I will play with it and see what I can do, but I can't see any benefit from having it extend longer than the girth once it is all tied (snapped) together with the cod, holster, girth, JP Harness.
the way that I bleached mine was to use a spray bottle. I made up a mixture of about 10:1 water to bleach. Then I hung the jump suit on the back porch and sprayed it. I let it sit for a few minutes then I washed it with hot water and detergent. I did this a few times to try to reach the color I wanted.

What type of fabric is it? If it has a high polyester count it will be difficult to color.
I did that the first couple tries and it wasn't having much affect on the Blue, so I went to using the entire washing machine full and letting it soak (even over night once). I think it is polyester, I iwll have to check that.
Thanks again.
I would recommend taking some of your brown leather stain and taking your time in applying it with a 1" brush to reach the crevices of your girthbelt, and then immediately wiping off any stain on the surface to keep from staining that area any darker. I would also recommend washing your flightsuit in a hot medium level wash starting with 1/2" cup of bleach, and then drying it completely to see what color you're left with. If that doesn't work, move up to 1 cup. If that doesn't work move up to 1.5 cups, etc. until you get the desired lighter blue that is a good color or that you can restain lightly to get the desired blue. It's what I did on my polyester coveralls and it worked perfectly and gave the cloth a nice soft well washed feel/look.
Thanks for the suggestions Cruzer, I will check them out. I did a fair amount of work this weekend. I started out with weathering my Crow62 Repro boots and putting the snaps on for the boot armor:


I also did a fair amount of sewing on the flight suit. I made all the button holes for the Knee and shin armor and also this elastic band to hold the pants under the boot armor:


I completed the work on the girth belt outer wrap and am very happy with it overall.


I received the RF Servo kit and am lucky to find that I was able to fit all the components in the MOW gauntlets after all. I had concerns over these gauntlets, but I think I ma going to be happy with the end result. The first thing I had to do was remove the "dummy" switches on the flame thrower housing and sand it down:

I then relocated the circuit board into the top of the housing and ran the real switches into the housing:

...and installed them where they belong. A little filler and Rn'B and they will look better than ever and have actual functional switches that will control the RF servo:

I also did a little work on the cod/ holster/ thigh armor, but I didn't take pictures of it beyond this stage so I will have more to update later:
Ok, here are my latest updates:

#1) I lowered the ears on the RF side and added the pin stripes. Aside of the servo and weathering- this baby is done.


#2) I attached the holster to the thigh armor via Chicago screws:

#3) Since I will be waiting a bit for a Dark Side CC knee run, I reappkied Rub n' Buff to the other set of knee's I had until they looked about the same as my CC armor.

I've also added all the snaps and elastic bands that run inside the flight suit so, for the most part, the lower armor is done (except for weathering). My SEEKER harness should be here by Thursday and if my Jetpack Decals get here from Lucksy31, then I may indeed get everything completed this coming weekend- Well ahead of my July goal! Then I will have to decide what I want to finish next- Boba SE or Han?
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If you are interested in keeping everything in correct proximity of one another, I would recommend attaching the various pieces together with either snaps or Chicago screws. Here are a few links showing what I mean. I even like to attach my ammo belt to my girth belt using Chicago screws. So that it always stays in the correct position when trooping.



Let me know if the links don't work.
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MY SEEKER harness came in yesterday and it is amazingly comfortable- nice design and thank you Arturo!

Cruzer- that is awesome with the snap like that. I took a little bit of what you added here, mixed it with the elements I loved about Arturo's setup and came up with this:





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