*UPDATE 2013* WIP : Jayvee's 'lil' chunk of ROTJ love' paint up

Thanks for the kind words, but to say 'Mr. Precision' is a bit too much! I must correct myself, because I found more images while I was searching the Gallery (the images posted were also from the Gallery but saved in my PC) regarding the ROTJ helmet interior:

Boba-Fett-Costume-MoM-121601A-039.jpg Boba-Fett-Costume-MoM-121601A-371.jpg Boba-Fett-Costume-MoM-061602-022.jpg

In these images it looks that the black tape that covered the MQ-1 board is missing.

Boba-Fett-Costume-MoM-121601A-370.jpg ROTJ Inner Back 01.jpg ROTJ Inner Back 02.jpg PP3 Inner Back.jpg ESB Inner Back.jpg

The black stripe along the MQ-1 board looks very similar to the one found in the Pre-Pro #3 helmet, which is a piece of velcro fold over, and it seems that is (was) used to hold the battery tower in place (see the inside of the ESB helmet).

ROTJ Inner Left.jpg ROTJ Inner Back Dome.jpg ESB Inner Back.jpg

The first image shows that the liner is still attached to the helmet, while the second image shows that the liner has attached some kind of foam (sponge) strip around its outer circumference (the same setup is on the ESB helmet too) .





ROTJ Inner Back 01.jpg

ROTJ Inner Back 02.jpg

ROTJ Inner Left.jpg

ROTJ Inner Back Dome.jpg

ESB Inner Back.jpg

PP3 Inner Back.jpg
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Haha, you say 'Mr. Precision' is too much, then you bring out even more awesome accuracy work. All right, 'Captain Precision' it will have to be then.... ;)

Seriously mate, thanks a heap for those pics and research, they will help immensly. And I thought I was on to somethhing with the black strip not being over those key slots, so I will look to replicate the circuit board held in with bondo as it appears in those images. Thank you again kind Sir!:)
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Captain Precision... Hmmm! I think I like it... a lot! Or could it be CP... or CeePee... or CyPy... Eh, too much trouble with these names!

But seriously, I think you could do the ROTJ interior using these images:

Boba-Fett-Return-of-the-Jedi-Helmet-12 (1).jpg ESB Inner Back.jpg

... but without electronics (just the micro switch and its wires) and without the left strap:

ROTJ Wire.jpg ROTJ Missing Left Strap.jpg

ROTJ Wire.jpg

ESB Inner Back.jpg

Boba-Fett-Return-of-the-Jedi-Helmet-12 (1).jpg

ROTJ Missing Left Strap.jpg
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Hmm, CeePee is good, but then people may think we've got the similar initial naming thing going on, and with already having accusations of being married in my last thread, it could get hard to explain. But I digress... ;)

Yea, once again, great pics. What actually is that silver part you circled in the fourth image? A little blurry, so i'm not picking it up... I think I have a pretty good overall idea as to what to put in now, so i'll nut it out and see what I come up with. Of course, i'm sure you will pick up anything thats not right, and well have something that looks the goods by the time the helmet is complete :)
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What actually is that silver part you circled in the fourth image? A little blurry, so i'm not picking it up...

I'm talking about this:

ROTJ Left Chin Strap.jpg

It is the support for the left chin strap and it seems that it goes through the helmet, somewhere under the left ear (?). Opposed to that, the right chin strap is an easier task:

Pre-Pro Right Chin Strap.jpg

ROTJ Left Chin Strap.jpg

Pre-Pro Right Chin Strap.jpg
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Bazinga Fett-Monkeys!!! Hope all you crazy kids are doing well. It’s time here for a new update, and it’s a slightly different one i.e. – a little more technical, but fun nevertheless. Now, I know I said the next section to tackle would be the ear paint, but that changed a touch for a couple of reasons. Just a minor bit of modification was needed on them for a flusher fit, but more importantly – It seems with some measurements, Mojo-Fetts beautiful new aluminium ears, may be a very good fit for my lid, and a wonderful cherry on top. So while I wait for him to get his Mojo back and get back on the boards (cheesy, dad-like pun completely intended;)), I thought I would tackle something else – the interior that wonderful Raf has provided so much cool info on..

So first section to look at, is the visor. The visor - from what I can see in the MOM photos - is smoke black, and I was able to get some lovely 3mm thick smoke black from the bay. It was trimmed and fitted, but as the first pic shows, I had a few trademark ‘pedantic Jayvee’ things I wanted to get spot on. First off, the mandible opening is wider at the top on the real lid than it is at the bottom (the yellow line I have added is longer than the green line). I was able to get this just right. Also, if you look closely, the right hand mandible is shorter by a fraction than the left (right and left as in looking AT the helmet). This was probably more due to James’ excellent cast, but this is also evidenced in my lid. The next pic is just a nice all round pic I liked with the visor intact to gauge how it’s all coming together (this is sans ear cap, as it’s currently undergoing some surgery..;)).

** The added third montage picture was for a member query about the helmet liner. Thought I would add it in the thread, as some may be interested :)

visor comp.jpgvisor1.jpgliner.jpg

visor comp.jpg


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Now, on to the interior inside. First thing to note, is that it is not complete – there are a few things only tacked in with a light dob of hot glue, and the visor will be fixed in correctly at the end with correct mounts, bondo and cheesehead screws. The Chicago screws holding the visor will also be changed down the road to something more accurate. I tried to make everything look as authentic as possible, but with many blurry or inconclusive shots, I just had to do the best I could. So far I’m pretty happy with the overall look, and I even added some acrylic paint to the bondo, to give it that yellowish/off white colour around the back keyslot circuit board.

So enjoy the pics my fine friends. Not too much to say about the pics other than them being close ups and fine detail shots. Let me know how I’m getting on, and enjoy the day gang! Peace :)

interior 1.jpginterior 2.jpginterior 3.jpginterior 4.jpginterior 5.jpg

interior 1.jpg

interior 2.jpg

interior 3.jpg

interior 4.jpg

interior 5.jpg
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Jayvee, I love what you did with the interior! Everything is in place and well detailed, it almost look like the real one. I'm glad you added that left chin strap metal support which is overlooked on all fan made helmets. Great job!
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Jayvee, I love what you did with the interior! Everything is in place and well detailed, it almost look like the real one. I'm glad you added that left chin strap metal support which is overlooked on all fan made helmets. Great job!

Cheers Raf, spent a long time studying the excellent reference pics, many which were provided by your very good self. The metal clip is indeed a nice touch, and one that is just tacked in at the minute, as I will secure him down once the ears are correctly in place. A few little touch ups will be added too, like some green tips on the wires, all the bondo and correct securing of the visor clips and some more fastening and weathering of certain areas. Again, from what I can see, it seems a fairly faithfull rendition. Many thanks my friend for all your 'precise' knowledge, and cheers for looking! :)
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Awesome job once again, J!! Interior looks fantastic. Well done on the visor as well. Such a pain in the butt to get those angles right. Thank you for continuing to raise the bar for the rest of us to aspire to.
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Thanks for the kind comments chaps :-) 3E3 - its a good point you make on the visor - the angles can indeed be fiddly. The fact that these weren't actually put in flush actually makes it tougher in trying to emulate correctly.. It would be way easier if they were just nice and flush, but hey - thats the unique nature of this hobby! Cheers again chaps :-)
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Maybe we should post your threads up to Disney/Lucasfilm, for the up and coming episode VII .....in case they are looking for some talent in prop painting?! There might be some Boba in it... you never know?! Another beautifully painted helmet Jonny, IMHO you are second to none. Truly remarkable work!! You are definitely making this art, of a very high standard indeed. :thumbsup:
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Maybe we should post your threads up to Disney/Lucasfilm, for the up and coming episode VII .....in case they are looking for some talent in prop painting?! There might be some Boba in it... you never know?! Another beautifully painted helmet Jonny, IMHO you are second to none. Truly remarkable work!! You are definitely making this art, of a very high standard indeed. :thumbsup:

Ahh, if Disney/Pixar provide me with a Buzz Lightyear suit, or some Incredibles lycra to paint in, i'll consider it.. ;)

Thanks once again for your always super kind comments bud! :)
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Ahh, if Disney/Pixar provide me with a Buzz Lightyear suit, or some Incredibles lycra to paint in, i'll consider it.. ;)

Thanks once again for your always super kind comments bud! :)

Bahahaha!!!! If they do, photo's are a must! :lol:

Your very welcome matey! :cheers
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Morning Fett-studs! Well my friends, still waiting on the schmick metal ears from the - at the moment, very elusive - Mojo-fett, so I havn't been able to do too much until they arrive.. I have my resin ones screwed on unweathered for the purpose of some photos, but with a very busy lifestyle due to moving house, I just thought i'll save my time and just wait for the new ears to come in to do the weathering. Until they come in, I also can't completely finalize the interior, as I need to attach some bits after the ears have been bolted in place. So apart from some weathering on the rangefinder topper, most of the things I can do have been done. So hark - why is there a new update I hear you ask? Well, just thought i'd share a little display brainwave. A cheap clock turned into a fett related helmet stand.. Say what? Stick with me kids... ;)

While my last Fett stand for ESB looked fine in photos, I was never really happy with it close up, and it was actually pretty fiddly. This was much easier, and I really like the results. I got the idea when I stumbled across a $6 clock, which had a plastic, and not a glass face. Seemed a good size for a base, so thought id give it a shot..
The Pics pretty much tell the story. In the first montage Pic, pics 1 and 2 are simply the front and back of the clock. Pic 3 is where i cut the guts out at the back, simply using my tin snips. A real easy job witha cheap, thin plastic. Once that was done, pic 4 shows a drilled hole in the middle of the clear plastic. Now you can crack the plastic very easily, so this needs to be done at a low speed and just take your time :)

The next montage pic, shows the next steps. What you need is a decent thickness piece of dowel or the like, and I painted mine black to match the base. A Fett logo was resized to the correct size to fit under the clear plastic, and printed out, and there was also a fine round wooden circle you can get from any craft store, with a long wood screw running from underneath. You simply insert the logo under the plastic, lock it in place with the wood circle and screw, then screw the dowel on top. The next photo shows the logo being placed under (I have 2 for both my helmets, and have gone a slightly different colour scheme for each), and the last pic in that sequence, is what it all looks like screwed in place from the bottom..

The next standalone pic, is the ROTJ stand in all its glory, and then we finish with a pic and insert of the helmet on the stand. The ROTJ logo I added to the black base is just preliminary - I actually think I prefer the classic font like I have in the corner of the helmet pic, so I will play around with that before deciding anything. But there you go - some nice and neat helmet stands for less than $10 each! May just give people some ideas...

Till the ears come in, and I can add some nice final photos, take care peeps! Peace :)





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What a brilliant idea! You never cease to amaze me my friend! :D and by crikey that's an awesome looking helmet! I hope those ears show up soon so you can finish this masterpiece!
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Very nice display base! I like it a lot.

It's interesting as well to see how clocks look in Australia. Our clocks
in America look a bit different, seeing as how we're on the other side
of the world.


:lol: :lol:
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