armor pics!!



I am in building bliss. I just got the OK from the doctor to walk (i had a broken leg) and two more exams (gonna be easy) then its summer. I plan on cutting out my armor from sintra this weekend. Im gonna make the chest, stomache, shoulders, and maybe clamshells for my gauntlets.
Im wondering if anyone could tell me if there are any exact measurements or ratios for the lengths of the armor. Also, i've never worked with sintra so if there are any major "dont do" things i would love to know about them so i dont screw up.
One final question, i have a heat gun, should i heat up the sintra then hold it to my body? what should i wear underneith? how should i work the sintra? Any info would be great...but dont tell everything!!! some of this stuff i gotta figure out on my own...its just the way its gotta be done!!
Exams suck badly, exspecially when ya have a broken leg :facepalm

But good luck & make sure to post progress pics!
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i just finished making my gauntlets, chestarmor, knees, and shoulder bells so heres some advice:

all measurements wont for everyone.i tried using the madalorian blueprints chest armor template and it was way too big for me.i had to cut it down only 5'6" 130lbs and im much smaller than most fetts.proportion and fit is the key here, my chest armor will most likely be to small for someone who is 6' and 170 lbs.unless you can find someone with your build type perhaps you can use thier dimentions and measurements.

as for bending sintra i used the boiling water method and it works terrific.heres a tip though:i noticed to get a nice clean bend i recomend you boil the sintra untils its completely floppy, otherwise you will get ripples in the wont look horrible, but im me it always came out better when i boiled it up until it looked like a wet noodle.

hope that helps buddy :cheers
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thanks guys.

yea i agree, measurements change for everyone. what i did was i got a nice pic boba's chest armor, then i made ratios for the lengths. i measured the angles that everything bends. then i just chose how long i wanted a certain piece to be, then plugged in the ratios so it is custom fit to my body, but still proportionally accurate (somewhat!!).

I have a question tho, does the bottom of the belly armor stay above the belly button?

thanks a lot for the help

(btw..yes exams do suck..they suck a lot LOL)
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i got the chest and belly armor cut out, detailed and molded. if someone could direct me to good esb reference pics that would be great
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here is a pic of my chest armor. i made it last out of syntra. the camera isnt too good so the detail doesnt really show. thanks to everyone who helped with the info. comments are welcome!!!

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