Anyone else notice discrepancy in the missle exhaust?

Well, that's why I said it was an assumption on my part! :) I've never seen anything that said he can only use his jet pack to go forward . . . then again, I never saw anything to the contrary either.

As far as the balls comment go . . . . well, just look at the original prop . . . even the one that Jango wore. The thrusters are connected by an axle. They can spin, but in one direction only.

I dunno . . . I could be wrong (it's happened before) but . . it all just seemed kind of hokey to me.


Foxbatkllr wrote:

First of all, it is possible to turn without the jets rotating side to side. If one jet thrusts stronger than the other, you can turn. Secondly, the thrusters are connected to balls, so how do you know they can't rotate? I have never read a source that said "Boba can only use his jet pack to go forward. He can't turn." Many complaints about Jango (and perhaps the PT in general) seem to rest on previous assumptions about things that were never truly canon or all that important to begin with.
I know it's on an axle and i had assumed it could only spin one way as well. However it also seems possible there could be a ball bearing type mechanism inside the ball to allow it to rotate a bit.
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