Holiday Special: Realistic Deluxe ESB

Nice job, man! The holiday paint scheme looks great on a realistic lid, and the painting job is top notch. It'd be pretty cool to see a whole suit done like this...
Just to put some salt on the open wound:

ESB Helmet Colored.jpg

I used a program named 'Recolored' to change the colors to look like the ESB Hero helmet.
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I think this helmet really reads well. Not many people attempt the Holiday special from what I've seen so it definitely adds to it's uniqueness. I like that you also did include kill stripes, the ESB yellow ear, and darken the cheeks on the helmet. This was a smart move in that the holiday special helmet doesn't have a lot of detail (most part for being a cartoon, thus needs to be redrawn countless times).

One thing, if you ever decide to tweak it, the blue where there is no damage, looks awfully clean and bright for going towards the realistic look. This could be as easy as just scratching on some detail or painting a light dirt/grey color with a sponge around those areas to give it variance. But this is just being nit-picky.

You should be proud bud! That is one stellar helmet!
Archaster777, Youre absolutely right. I contemplated an over all weathering of the helmet many times. If you look, you can see that I actually dirtied up the RF with some 'Earth' and 'Flat Brown' speckling and misting. I guess I still wanted to hang on to some of that cartoony aspect. I definitely appreciate the Nit Pickiness, its the only way we become better painter/replicators!!
Be careful when trying to implement both realism and cartoonish features into one object. It's sort of like mixing 2D animation and 3D animation into one film. It can work if done right but it can be very easy to make it seem wonky.

However, you could always make the weathering more blocked in to make the weathering itself cartoonish as well if you still want that kind of flare but I feel your helmet will benefit from picking one or the other. My opinion would be to keep pushing the realism. It's looking so good. adding a base weathering will only push it further.

Try using earth tones. the brown weathering blue with accentuate it making a nice pop in colors. If you have any specific questions let me know! I'm more of a 3D artist than a painter, but I took classes and have classmates who are painters I can ask tougher questions if need be!
Eric Dude holy cow man that is one fricking sweet lid man:love. You did an excellent job on the paint work and all the details I love the blues that you used and i will have to get those colors from you as I plan to do a custom paint up for my son and those colors just rock!!! Well done Bro.
Sorry I'm late to this party :facepalm

Brother ... that is nothing short of STUNNING !

Easily likely the BEST signature detailing I've ever seen

You're going to KILL an ESB :cheers

I think this was terrific to see. I'd had the inclination to do this years ago and
never got around to it as well lol

There seems to be another angle no one has caught onto yet ...

The over all bluish tinge to the entire helmet reminds me of the ESB
hero helmet that Joe Johnston is holding in his arms taking a scotch
bright pad to. Because of the old photo and it's color degradation, it
appears bluish just like this. A little more red on those mandibles and
it would be a dead ringer for that classic pic !

Great Job man :cheers

Never in a million years did I ever think I would ever get a response like that.
All I can say is Thank You, Chris.
I have a new helmet that will be finished in the next couple of days. Hopefully, I can maintain the standard.
The over all bluish tinge to the entire helmet reminds me of the ESB
hero helmet that Joe Johnston is holding in his arms taking a scotch
bright pad to. Because of the old photo and it's color degradation, it
appears bluish just like this. A little more red on those mandibles and
it would be a dead ringer for that classic pic !

That helmet is not the ESB Hero, it is the Pre-Pro #3 before the ears got painted.

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