Finally- MLC Helmet is done!

I was sure you had thought of that Mardon but if there is any possiblity for a real cushion insert im sure the response would be better. (By 1 person at least):D
Tk-Fett - fully understood buddy :) Trust me, I'd preffer the actual cushions myself. Unfortunately, we dont have that kind of cushions over here in the Philippines, so I guess i have to rely from somebody over there in the states who can find these for us.

The FG cushions that I made would just be a "back-up" if for some reason we cant find any - although, it doesnt mean the end user be forced to get FG cushions from us. Thats why I'll provide 2 price options.

Holy shinto. :eek:

I just found this thread and I am, to understate, very impressed with that helmet. I really like the movie-sized proportions of this one. I will be in the market for a movie-sized ESB Fett helmet myself soon, and I'm trying to evaluate all of the available options.

Just for clarification--are the helmets fiberglass, or cardboard?
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ok, I have a bit of bad news about getting the inside paddings from the ridell football helmets we have here at the school. I finally got tired of waiting for the coach to hook me up with them so I went rummaging around in the equipment room. Everything we have are the inflateable type pads. They have foam but use air pressure to ensure a proper fit. The problem is that I don't think ANY of us would want to drill a hole in our nice new buckets to run the valve stem to the outside. I will try to run over to a local sporting goods place that we buy a lot of our equipment from and see if they have the regular foam pads sometime this week. I'll give a further update when I know more.

You know, one place that might have the desired "old school" style helmet padding is a second-hand sporting goods store. They might have some old football helmets for reasonable prices that could be gutted.

Just a thought!
Hi all.

Just a quick update to let anyone in the UK know that Mardon, Rex and I have have had a chat and agreed it would be easier and cheaper for UK buyers to deal through one contact, like Rex in the USA, but based in the UK. This eliminates 2 sets of international shipping (Mardon to Rex, Rex to UK)

So, just to let you know, any UK guys want any of the MLC range, let me know and we'll take it from there. Feel free to PM me or mail me at Prices are the same, but converted to UK£ and rounded to the nearest £5 or so for ease of calculation on our part.

Hope to hear from you soon.

Finally, thanks to Rex and Mardon for letting me help out on this!

I have duplicated this post in the JP thread too, so apologies for anyone who reads this twice!


OK guys, check this out. I'm not sure if this is the inflatable kind or the foam padded ones but it might be worth a look see. There are several of them on ebay with a starting bid of 14.95


This is the kind of padding I was trying to grab here at the school.


Edit...I forgot to add that this is a ridell football helmet if it matters.

Slowmo wrote:

OK guys, check this out. I'm not sure if this is the inflatable kind or the foam padded ones but it might be worth a look see. There are several of them on ebay with a starting bid of 14.95

That appears to be the foam one. The air helmets we used had a "halo" in the top that inflated. That was the only part that inflated. We used Bike brand helmets, so this one may be different.

Hi Doug,

I just wanted to convey my thanks & appreciation for you helping both Rex & I in these paddings. I'm sure those would work great on our buckets! :)
As much as I wanna mold the "ala Ridell" interior components for our MLC bucket, I'm still waiting on electronic gizmos that would make an RF remotely go up & down - as there might be some changes on the right interior earcap.


That appears to be the foam one. The air helmets we used had a "halo" in the top that inflated. That was the only part that inflated. We used Bike brand helmets, so this one may be different.


With the RIdell helmets that circle of 4 pads in the very top inflate to adjust up and down direction. The ones in the back and sides inflate to make the helmet fit tight. Even the inflatable ones are about 3/4 foam padding and adjust probably 3-4 hat sizes (About half an inch at most) We coulld probably cut the air valves off of the back of the padding and it would still work to hold fairly well depending on the insides of the helmet. It's something everyone would have to play with a little to get the proper fit.

The one problem I do see with these pads is they won't leave much room for the electornic gizmoes....namely cooling fans. That could present a bit of a problem.

My old high school also still has some of the "old school" Riddell helmets with the square padding. I tried to smuggle my football helmet out(ol' bessy) the day after the last football game but that wiley old coach...
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