Bo Katan Hydra's Bo-Katan Armor


I don't know, her shins certainly look very flat in the front from my observations. What ever, looks better anyways. The thigh boxes lack on side of the angles to properly fit the pistol grips. I remember seeing some where she's supposed to be around 6ft? If my calculations are correct, that would give her technically Barbie like proportions. Lol, which I certainly am not!

The vest (yes I', giving her a vest, mandalorians look silly with out layers), "flightsuit", boots, and gloves are gathered. Still need to sew a neckseal and start on the leather bits.

Sewed the vest and the top under layer today. I'll be starting out with all black fabric, then use an airbrush to "weather" the pitch black into the weird grey hue. The armor is literally placed on the vest for aesthetic value only lol. Spacing will obviously be adjusted later. sure you can do it! Ive made that face many times....and have also been covered in resin dust just as much lol. Cant wait to see this all together, everything looks great! See ya there!
lookin' good Liz! Can't wait to see the finished product. What material are you using to sculpt your molds for the vac-forming?
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