awesome from UD replicas

From what I recall David telling me awhile back, I believe it's just Boba and Vader jackets. I could be wrong however.
Hey everyone! Been a while...but I have a pretty cool update. :)

BOBA FETT: Empire Strikes Back
Leather Motorcycle Jacket - New Concept.

Based on our Fett Jacket prototype shown at SW you can see how all your input and constructive criticisms have 'where possible' been taken into consideration and incorporated into this final concept.

While still pending Licensor approval, here's a quick sneak peak of how it's evolved......and thanking you all yet again for the feedback received.




  • FinalConceptFett_zps2f21c144.gif
    6.4 KB · Views: 156
It looks good, but is the wrong armor. This setup is known as one of the promotional suits and most of the parts are from the Pre-Pro #2 except the Pre-Pro #1 left chest plate. The ESB setup looks like this:

Armor General View.jpg

Just wanted to be shure that you guys will use the correct armor.
You're right, but that image is the concept...we're now working on it, but...because it's not a 'costume' it's never going to 'be' the costume in that respect however your observations are correct and certainly noted. It's not an easy design as it is, but we're certainly doing our best. Thanks for the feedback bud! (y)

You're right, but that image is the concept...we're now working on it, but...because it's not a 'costume' it's never going to 'be' the costume in that respect however your observations are correct and certainly noted. It's not an easy design as it is, but we're certainly doing our best. Thanks for the feedback bud! (y)


I saw all the great movie replica motorcycle suits on the UD Replica site and I can say that you guys did (do) an amazing job! My main concern was if the Boba Fett Jacket will be weathered, to not be mistaken with the Pre-Pro, Promo or the ROTJ suits, mainly because it's named 'Empire Strikes Back'. I think no one will want another Don Post Boba Fett Statue-like setup...


And of course all the hard and good work might be null if the licensor will want to go on a more 'clean' route.
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OMHO if your going to do it do it RIGHT. Dont claim it to be a replica maker, call it ESB and do it half rafal showed you, the armor is wrong. Do yourself a favor and get it right before calling it done. You wouldnt release a dark Knight Batman jacket with the val kilmer batman look to it would you?
OMHO if your going to do it do it RIGHT. Dont claim it to be a replica maker, call it ESB and do it half rafal showed you, the armor is wrong. Do yourself a favor and get it right before calling it done. You wouldnt release a dark Knight Batman jacket with the val kilmer batman look to it would you?

Although I'm agree with you F4R, but I think that jacket is still in its concept faze and far from being finished. Looking at the first image posted by 'thebeans'...

UDR Fett Jacket 01.jpg

and the one posted by 'DAVIDYR1'...

UDR Fett Jacket 02.jpg

it's a huge difference. And I know that the second image is a mock up of the ESB Promo suit from the Blu-Ray Extra:


but if they will use that armor setup with the proper paintjob, I think this will be a great replica motorcycle suit.
But dont label it an ESB replica if its not...thats just asking for flamming...just calling it like it is. Its a nice Boba Fett jacket sure but its no replica of an ESB suit.
Hello Folks!
Time for a much needed update. :)

The Boba Fett Jacket features 2 front torso zippers.
One for the 'vest' design, and the second hidden underneath...from the collar to the waist, thus creating the illusion of 2 separate pieces.


And here's a look at the back details.


Sneak Peak at the front....


It's been totally redesigned from the ground up....and yes it does feature a real time functioning Iphone pouch on the left forearm.(y)

It'll be in our booth on display at next weekends Wondercon in Anaheim CA.
Hope to see you all there.

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