ROTJ Chest Armor Dilemma


Active Hunter
Long story short, I purchased a set of FP v2 ROTJ armor from a TDH member, got it all painted up, installed chicago screws to mount it on my vest, started mounting it, and couldn't get the spacing of the chest pieces to work out. It was then that I discovered that the chest pieces are two different sizes... the right one is 3/4" smaller in the long direction than the other. I've got two questions...

#1 - The outer edge of the chest plates (dented on the left, by the logo on the right) are the most glaring sizing difference. The left chest top outer edge (dented edge) is 5.5" long, while the right chest top outer edge (by the logo) is 5". Which is the correct dimension? I don't know which plate is correct.

#2 - Does anyone have spare (unfinished or otherwise) ROTJ armor they're willing to part with?

Naturally, I wouldn't discover this until 2 weeks before FanExpo in Toronto....

Thanks guys. Yeah, it definitely sucks!

I can provide the measurements of both chest pieces, but just didn't think it appropriate to do so in the forums without Chris' ok. I don't know how "proprietary" the measurements of his armor is.

I was a bit confused by the different sized chest pieces when I received my raw pulls of FettPride V3 armor too. I measured and sure enough there is a noticeable difference in the lengthwise measurement of the pectoral pieces. A careful review of screen captures also shows this asymmetry. It all made sense, when I read a Joe Johnston interview where he mentioned designing Boba's armor to appear as if he had scavenged his armor from several sources (pardon my memory and paraphrasing).
The asymmetry is evident on my set:
Bottom line - my initial consternation turned to admiration for FettPride's excellent craftsmanship and attention to detail. The best solution I found for mounting my armor was to use the screen captures as my guide.
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Yeah, I've been speaking with Chris as well and he confirmed the same. It certainly makes sense in BF lore that a piece would be replaced here and there, but I'd never noticed it in photos, and the MOW templates don't show any difference in dimensions. I guess it's another case of people changing things to be more asthetically pleasing as opposed to going hardcore accuracy, such as the shin tools, etc.

Thanks again for your help everyone.. 24 hours ago I was thinking "oh ****, what am I going to do?!", whereas now I don't feel so bad.

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