Bargain Flightsuit Run

Just to chime in - one satisfied customer here. I ordered my ESB flightsuit from Arkady last month. Excellent quality, the turnaround was within two weeks and the fit was spot-on!
I'm new here and can't sew worth a ****,lol...would it still be possible to get a ROTJ? if the material is expensive,I'll gladly kick in some extra......from what everyone here is saying it would be worth it.
I have enough fabric for one more ROTJ, but I'm planning on a trip to LA next week to find more.

Thanks Paul!

PM's sent:)
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Sorry to not post when I did get it. For anyone wondering about these flightsuits; they are awsome! Arkady is also a fantastic guy to deal with and keeps communication up well. I approve!
Was your LA trip/ROTJ hunt successful? I am interested in an ROTJ if you have the material to do it. PM inbound...
I haven't actually started doing the vests yet, just got the fabric. I will work on patterns and get some pics up by next week. Thanks for checking it out :)
I would also like to chime in about purchasing from Arkady.

I commissioned the flight suit, spats and pouches from her about a month ago or so.

I had given her incorrect measurements (my fault, not hers), and my suit didn't fit all that well. She had me return the suit, which she altered/redid and sent it back to me out of her own pocket. With correct measurements, this suit is phenomenal from head to toe.

The craftsmanship, fit and function are absolutely wonderful.

The turnaround time was outstanding.

The communication was exceptional.

This should not be called a 'bargain flightsuit', as that implies that it is not top quality, which it most definitely is. Anyone who purchases one of these suits will be extremely pleased with every aspect of the suit, as well as the experience.

Thanks, Carole.
Wow Ryan, thanks, I really appreciate the good words!
Azrok and GCN, PM's in your inbox.
Also adding a vest picture to first post. All constructive criticism welcome :)
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