Will it work?/ 1st phase cod sculpt


1st cod.jpg 2nd cod.jpg 3rd cod.jpg 4th cod.jpg 5th cod.jpg 6th cod.jpg 7th cod.jpg
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So far it looks pretty good, but you must lower (in depth) the blue plate and also add the arch-like ridges that goes from the blue plate:

534851_411731092197661_1099419064_n.jpg Cod Plate.jpg
Thanks Rafal, will do. This is only the first sculpt, your advice has been taken on board,
still much to do yet. My only concern now is that it will be too heavy when finished.
This will be good for casting but hard to troop in. I did the exact same thing when I started mine but abandoned the build b/c it got far too heavy to be feasible.
Thanks fella's, your comments mean a lot, gives me the confidence i need to get to the end of the project, being
one of the new kids on the block:thumbsup::cheers
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