
New Hunter
Hello all, does anyone have a MANNEQUIN resources. Looking for two, fairly cheap and poseable. Most of the ones I am finding are too tall and usually like a size 10 foot. I'd never get my boots on it. Oh, and then there is the matter of the, well, I'll just say a less than appropriate stance.
You can sometimes find mannequins for fairly cheap if say, a Sears or another type of department store is going out of business. Poseable, on the other hand, you are not going to find cheap. I have one, my wife got it for me for christmas this past year, she called the manufacturer directly and talked them into selling her an unfinished one, but even then, it was (I have to guess here a little, after all, it was a gift) about five or six hundred dollars. And with that, the only reason they included a head and hands is because she mentioned I was serving over-seas at the time. You can sometimes find some on ebay for around $120. If you want to try what my wife did, the company she went through is Ruben Displays. Mine is just the right size, 5'10, 32 inch waist, size 9.5 foot. Hope you find something!
I would say your best bet would be to get one on ebay you can find one for about 125 that has a descent poss as far as it being to big(tall) just cut it down to size. The one I bought was about 4' to tall so I just cut about 4' from the torso it's really not that hard just make sure u do it outside and you wear a mask dont want to breath in any of that fiberglass. Hope this helps.

I'm in the process of making one from duct tape and expanding foam. Search the internet because lots of people have done it. It's cheap and you can make it whatever pose you want. Just an alternative to buying one and cutting it like these guys said.
As far as hands go, not sure where I saw this but some one cut off the fingers applied some bind able wire with bondo and then covered the wire with the same type of hose that is used for the gauntlets over the wire and cut it to size. From the pic's I saw it looked like it worked pretty well. This is what I plan to do to mine now that I'm almost done with my blaster (hasbro mod) I would say just do a search on the net u might be able to find an easy way of doing this.

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