Anyone else notice discrepancy in the missle exhaust?


Active Hunter
I've noticed that most of the Fett jet packs have the soot
colored weathering at the top of the white rocket base unit
just below the warhead. This would lend to it firing off like
an RPG (which it looks like already). However, when Jango
fires his...the white base unit actually fires off along with the
warhead. So, wouldn't that mean there should have been
no soot color at the top, but instead near the bottom of it?
this has always bugged me as well. I like the idea of the warhead firing like what is pictured in the Chronicles. If anybody has that picture to post I would appreciate the visual.
Here ya go HS. The second pic is huge, so I just supplied the link.

1st%20Preproduction%20Jet Pack%2002.jpg

Pic 2: Pack%2003.jpg
I was actually disappointed at the way they had Jango's rocket fire by including the base as part of the projectile. The pre-pro suit pictured above makes so much more sense and is more believable.
Thanks Blastech. Well, I don't know about all you guys but my jet pack will have the grapling hook/warhead like the prepro suit...

The Boba pack would still be accurate this way IMO. :)

So the spikes aren't just for kicking ass?? :)
I completely disagree. I had always thought the rocket fired exactly the way it did in AOTC. I have never seen those photos before, but the rocket fired the way I expected it to...In fact I would've been weirded out if it had fired like you guys say it should.
But this was the original design, and from all of the written descriptions of the suit, it was meant to be a grappler/warhead. I don't think the ILM guys did their homework.
Just one more instance of the Lucas contradicting stuff he's already released and placed his seal of approval on. If he's not gonna support the things that are written maybe he should not authorize then and take the money for them???

Bad Uncle George, bad!
What everyone seems to forget here is this...

Uncle George doesn't care as much as half of the fans do... he's looking at it as simply a movie...not factual. He doesn't feel he has to always meet everyone's expectations for realism.
Bottom line:

Before the Prequels, the top of Fett's jet pack was a grappling projectile, not a rocket. That's why the weathering is right under where the grappling projectile joins to the pack.

There are numerous printed resources (again, before the Prequels) that refer to the tip of the jet pack as a grappling projectile.
Yeah, even some Lucasfilm licenced books say that it's a grappeling hook instead of a rocket. Weird.
Like most of you, I assumed the tip was the only part that fired, considering the blast marks from the exhaust. And yes, looks like an RPG to me too. I saw in the Fett/Jodo comic though that they fired the missile like in ATOC, which disappointed me. And then in AOTC, disappointed me even further. The best explanation I can come up with is that the made it the whole thing so it would be easier for the audience to see it, and thus tell what's happening. Who knows though... and of course, yeah, like every other discrepency between Jango's and Boba's costumes, this could be chalked up to "boba probably changed it in the 20 years between the movies".
In my mind, the whole thing comes off. If it's a warhead, the whole thing comes off. Yet if it's used as a grapple, a different top part goes in to hold the cord and stuff and the grappler fires out of the tip. Probably a modification to the origional Mandalorian armor that Boba made. Was probably origionally a rocket that fires the whole thing, but he modified it to have a grappeling attachment. Am I making sense, or sounding repetitive?
Actually the real question is, why would Boba need a grappling hook on his Jet Pack? To get up to higher places? Nope that's what the jet pack's for. To grab onto things from far distances? Nope that's what the gauntlet whipcord is for.
Well, maybe I'm just too damned much of a logical thinker, but, was I the only one who was amazed to see the aerial acrobatics that Jango pulled in AOTC?

There's only two jets on the jet pack. And they face down. They don't go side to side. I always worked on the assumption that the jet pack was more or less for a big vertical jump, and that was about it? I mean, that's all Boba did when he took a digger into the pit? He went straight up and straight out.

I just don't see how logically Jango could be doin' all that fancy crap with only two jets.

Which would then make the grappling hook make sense again.

So, you ask me, the problem's with Jango and how he was portrayed in AOTC.

Just my 1.31 cents (CDN Conversion)


Ego wrote:

Well, maybe I'm just too damned much of a logical thinker, but, was I the only one who was amazed to see the aerial acrobatics that Jango pulled in AOTC?

There's only two jets on the jet pack. And they face down. They don't go side to side. I always worked on the assumption that the jet pack was more or less for a big vertical jump, and that was about it? I mean, that's all Boba did when he took a digger into the pit? He went straight up and straight out.

I just don't see how logically Jango could be doin' all that fancy crap with only two jets.

Which would then make the grappling hook make sense again.

So, you ask me, the problem's with Jango and how he was portrayed in AOTC.

Just my 1.31 cents (CDN Conversion)


First of all, it is possible to turn without the jets rotating side to side. If one jet thrusts stronger than the other, you can turn. Secondly, the thrusters are connected to balls, so how do you know they can't rotate? I have never read a source that said "Boba can only use his jet pack to go forward. He can't turn." Many complaints about Jango (and perhaps the PT in general) seem to rest on previous assumptions about things that were never truly canon or all that important to begin with.
i agree with donny, who cares it looks just like i thouht it did, and besides who cares looks great on screen!!! this movie was not made to be like, hey look how realistic this looks its, "sci-fi"
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