Finally Got to meet JB!!!


Well-Known Hunter
Preferred Vendor
Went to Wizard World("Comic Con)" in Philly over the weekend with my 501st Bro's. It was the 1st time I had attended on a friday, and it was MUCH easier to walk around and take photos. I has stopped for a photo by few SUICIDE GIRLS, and I get a tap on the shoulder. I turn, and guess who? Jeremy Bullock himself!! He says, "Stop Flirting with the girls, you'll give me a bad name!!". I was floored, and then he asked if I'd come see him at his booth for a pic. I was exstatic as you can imagine, Here are some pics of when I made it too his booth:


Got to speak to him for a few mintues, what a great guy and a gentlemen. We spoke about his suit, and The Dented Helmet in particular. Can't wait for the next time!!


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Thats awesome...I SOOO wanted to go this year but didnt work out. I met Mr. Bulloch a few months ago at the Steel City Con. He was great!! We talked a few minutes and talked about if he thought this role would turn into such an icon. He said he had no idea as he was filming during day and doing theatre at night. Boba Fett was something for fun and to make some extra money. I then got him to sign a pic I had with both Boba Fetts (Bulloch in Fett and Daniel Logan). So both Fett's autographs...sweet only ones i ever paid for.
That suit looks great. I am jealous of it and getting a pic with JB makes me wasn't to hang my head in shame. Parts list?
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