Is the helmet...?


New Hunter
Is the Boba Fett helmet mishaped? i see pics of other helmets and great looking ones and i see they all have the same mis shape to it. the back and the front are not exactly across from eachother and the sides the same as the front and back
it could be me but it seems alot of the helms out there have this
Since most of the helmets in the Star Wars universe were hand sculpted, the answer is yes. None of the OT helmets are perfectly symmetrical.Most noticeable, Fetts center visor goes on a slight angle, vaders mask droops on one side, the Stormtroopers a just over all A-symmetrical..just the nature of hand sculpting, and personally i think if gives them all..well, character. Never cared much for the cleaned up symmetrical Vader..that look made it lose all of its character.
Since most of the helmets in the Star Wars universe were hand sculpted, the answer is yes. None of the OT helmets are perfectly symmetrical.Most noticeable, Fetts center visor goes on a slight angle, vaders mask droops on one side, the Stormtroopers a just over all A-symmetrical..just the nature of hand sculpting, and personally i think if gives them all..well, character. Never cared much for the cleaned up symmetrical Vader..that look made it lose all of its character.

I have to also agree. I have seen the cleaned up versions of the helmets, and they just done look right. I prefer that asymmetrical appeal the hand sculpted ones have. Remember the human face is also the same, asymmetrical and with lots of character:lol:
This thread is more than 12 years old.

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