Is this normal?


New Hunter
Been away for a while and havent had a chance to work on my Asok helmet. i cut out the T and trimmed away all excess cast. came back from out to sea and the helmet warped so to say a little bit. you can see that the lower part sticks out further then the top part
is this normal? any way of fixing?

Yes, it's. It doesn't happen always but it happens. You can correct it with some heat from a hair drier or simply when attaching the visor.
I had the exact same thing happen on one of these, like Kaane said, use a heat gun or hair dryer and heat it up and reshape it, it is worth attaching the visor once you get it in shape as it will just rewarp if you leave ir,
I had the exact same thing happen on one of these, like Kaane said, use a heat gun or hair dryer and heat it up and reshape it, it is worth attaching the visor once you get it in shape as it will just rewarp if you leave ir,

Sooo, im good though? its not a total lost? very salvageable? i am ordering a visor from TVisor tomorrow and will be using the heat gun and then attaching the tvisor using the chicago screw method.
Now this morning it seems as though the back warped now! Arggg. This is starting to be a pain in the arse. I am 2 secs away from selling the whole kit
Rubio95 is looking for a lid. I don't know how to post a thread from the app version of TDH but his thread is titled "New and Excited"
Yes, it's. It doesn't happen always but it happens. You can correct it with some heat from a hair drier or simply when attaching the visor.

When attaching the visor does the visor sit flush on the inside of the helmet ? Or is there a small gap ?
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