ROTJ Blaster hybrid


New Hunter
I got a little fed up with the lack of blasters for sale and decided to build one with some tips I found on this site. The plastic rake found in hardware stores was perfect for the t-tracks and a real, working scope from China for 3 dollars, a Hasbro plastic rifle and a little plumbing parts was all that I needed. Still looking for a good, solid piece to connect the stock to the pistol grip though. If anyone has a good and sturdy solution to this piece, let me know please.

The Hasbro part that connects directly to the barrel was about an inch too small ( I think the rifle is 3/4 scale) so I filled the rest in with fiberglass and Bondo. The wooden pistol is from the templates here on this site, which are great, but I would definitely like to get my hands on a webley kit at some time.







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Hey bud!
You can make your own stock attachment easily. Just get some thick aluminum sheet, rough cut the shape, then file it down to correct shape. I did one 12 years ago and it turned out great.
the grip is only on the right side of the blaster, not the left like in the pic there, that side is flat with the bracket for the stock
type in boba prop on ebay, there is a resin grip/bracket buy it now for $20...Iveseen metal ones on there from time to time, as well
the grip is only on the right side of the blaster, not the left like in the pic there, that side is flat with the bracket for the stock

**** it! I thought I was being careful - must be baby brain, I have a 9 month old. Thanks for pointing that out, I will chisel it off.
b.jpga.jpga.jpgb.jpg Grip is fixed and on correct side! Thanks 4real for pointing that out. I decided to try out a resin bracket grip instead of MDF board or metal, and it turned out pretty rigid and strong, with almost no flexibility - should be much tougher than wood.
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I painted the entire thing flat back axcept for the stock, which is coated with a heavy varnish for more durability. I will dull it eventually. I need a trigger and some greebllies and some weathering to finishgbrebv.jpgsassa.jpgsddcs.jpg it up.
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