Tiss'shar Mandalorian


New Hunter
I am waiting on my TK armor from AP and I would like to do another Star Wars costume. I have my Jurassic Park Velociraptor costume. I was reading through some Star Wars lore to find that a Velociraptor race did exist in the Star Wars universe. the Tiss'shar. http://starwars.wiki...iki/Tiss'shar

"Tiss'sharl was a planet in the Xappyh sector, located in the Outer Rim Territories. Sometime prior to 3,976 BBY, Mandalore the Ultimate ordered the Mandalorians to expand outward. Among the peoples they discovered were the Tiss'shar, many of whom became recruits among the Mandalorians, who had begun to accept members of non-Taung races."

Here is a pic of my Jurassic park Costume. Any idea how I can Mando her up?

Well in the Old Republic book Dao Stryver is a similar looking alien, who is a Mando and she is a female who was refered to as a male throughout the book untill the epilouge
Well in the Old Republic book Dao Stryver is a similar looking alien, who is a Mando and she is a female who was refered to as a male throughout the book untill the epilouge

What is the full name of the book? Did she wear a full helmet? Making a helm would be difficult because the jaw opens and closes. I see out of the neck but weight is another issue. the Head at the moment weighs 3 pounds. Not to bad. I could possibly handle 6.
She did wear a full helmet, this is Old Republic novel, fatal alliance. Now mind you this is like Knights of the Old Republic era, so the armor is not as you know it.
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