So I stopped by Kamino....


Well-Known Hunter
for a quick photo op.


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sorry for the poor phone pic. This was at the Legoland troop. There was an aquarium across from the troop, which was where we dressed out, so I thought I would get a pic with the huge skull.
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thanks I appreciate it.

And to highjack my own thread

It kills me how purple my flightsuit looks in the pic......I have a pic from earlier in the day at Free Comic Book Day and it looks very blue in that one. I mentioned it to some one yesterday and they just said it proves I have the color right.... lol

here is the other pic.

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These two pics were taken a few hours apart. And look at how different the flight suit appears.
Mullreel- Was that you at Lego Land at Grapevine Mills? If so, we saw you there. My son turned 6 that Saturday and we were there both days. He is enamored with Jango and talks about you almost hourly! He asks me everyday when I'm going to finish my Boba so we can start his Jango! LOL! Anyway, your Jango looks great and even better in person!
Yes that was me. We changed at the aquarium and then walked across tho Legoland for the troop. I had a great time that day, glad your son enjoyed it.
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