Say it aint so!!!

I say kill him! Everyone seems to think of Fett as this unkillable god-mod character, maybe this will kill some of the silly hype and fan-fic of him taking on sith, ect. To me, he died in the Sarlacc in Jedi so this is all just artists playing in George's sandbox :)
So he mentions continuity with EU, etc, but also mentions Vader. Boba far outlives Vader in the books, so I wonder how they are going to swing that one.

I am not a comic reader, but I am intrigued now.
I think the question here is not who would want to kill him, because that would probably be just about everyone... But rather, who is actually good enough to kill him?

I'd say no one. In my mind, he'll live on forever <3
I enjoyed 'Blood Ties' by the same creative team, so I'm looking forward to this.

Though I doubt anyone would be allowed to kill off a cash cow like Boba Fett, for real.
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Just picked up Issue #1. It was an ok start. What I just realized is all any of us ( or those in the story) have seen is a dead body in Fett armor. The helmet hasn't been removed from the corpse yet, it could be simply an imposter trying to pull a Shysa. I have some other doubts but won't voice them so I won't give things away to those that haven't read it.
not to ruin the plot [AND I DONT KNOW FOR SURE either way],this is just my way of thinking and i could be way off on this but i have a sneaky feeling that the stormtrooper commander that drags connor freeman out of his cantina in issue 1 is fett in disguise
Just remember Lucas originally wanted to kill Fett off in Jedi, (He didn't much like that everyone liked the anti-hero and after all he was a villain in the movies). It was the comic book franchise (Dark Horse if I remember right) that brought him back to life. Mainly because of the demand to see more Fett...And demand usually equals more money..:lol:
I'm just happy that they did, imagine how flat it would have been if Lucas had never allowed the revival of Fett:confused
Just remember Lucas originally wanted to kill Fett off in Jedi, (He didn't much like that everyone liked the anti-hero and after all he was a villain in the movies). It was the comic book franchise (Dark Horse if I remember right) that brought him back to life. Mainly because of the demand to see more Fett...And demand usually equals more money..:lol:
I'm just happy that they did, imagine how flat it would have been if Lucas had never allowed the revival of Fett:confused

true, but now Boba makes him too much money to kill him off, then he wouldn't be able to make millions by selling Boba figures, he isn't even bothering to make them any different anymore.
Just finished reading the first issue and I have no idea what to expect. It's kind of weird, but this is the reason why I wait for trade paperbacks to come out.
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