Preserving autographs


Active Hunter
Like many of you, I've had my bucket signed.. in my case by both Daniel Logan and Jeremy so far. Sharpie is usually pretty permanent, but sweat does seem to loosen it up a bit, and I'm concerned that my sweaty mellon will end up with a black smear on it and destroy the autographs.

Is there something that can be sprayed over them that will protect them and not be affected by sweat? A clear coat?

be careful, clear-coat spray color can attack the signature. (also depends on the underground)


you see the first e was nearly washed off. I used selfglueing trasparent foil. The signatur will ripp apart when i rip of the foil... So i dont intend to rip that foil off. XD
Ever thought of making it like a plaque? Fixing a thin sheet of shaped perspex over the signature? Perhaps similar to how you would apply the visor. This way you don't have to worry about solvent based sprays or other... If done right you could even mount a LED to the top of the perspex to light the signature, or is that going too far:rolleyes
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