How to install your helmet skirt/ gasket with velcro pic intense


Active Hunter
First apply 1" sticky back velcro to the skirt/gasket.
hold the skirt so your looking at the raw side of it.
Then fold the flap towards you so the clean side is showing. Make sure that it's taut then apply the velcro so it goes from corner to corner. Do that to all pieces except for the large one.

Next apply the velcro to the inside of the helmet. This step is pretty cut and dry. On this perticular helmet he had padding coming down low on the inside. I had to mod the velcro by cutting it down a bit to fit around the padding. you will have to do this for the vent area as well. Get as close to the visor area as you can.


Next start with the back vent area. Center it the best you can then work your way to the front. Then do the same to the other side.


Now to mod the front.
Set the helmet down flat. Like so.

As you can see I already cut some of the excess material (The red lines) but don't worry theres more to cut.(y) What you want to do here is draw a line that is a 1/2 inch starting where the mandible and the cheek connect. That is represented by the
(Blue lines). Now you can cut the green lines and the blue lines (do not go to deep on the blue line) only cut till it is even with the helmet.


Now glue the little flaps you made down. I use this fabric glue you can get it from Walmart or you can use Mighty mend it.


Almost done now.:wacko Next cut the large flap down like a trapazoid fold the large flap down make sure there is no over hang. Then do one more check that it lines up even with the visor. Now glue it down. ENJOY:cheers

When you recieve the skirts there is some small mods you can do. The flaps can be cut slightly so when they fold up they do not overlap. Also I reccomend that you use Gorrila glue around the edges of the velcro so it does not peel off.





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SWEET!!! I recognize that bucket. Wow that guy should have done a better job on the inside of his helmet. What an amatu.....WAIT A MINUTE!!

Can't thank you enough Chuck. Can't wait to see it back in-person.
Chucko's gasket rocks. Hey quick question, I did velcro to begin with, but it didn't exactly work out the way i wanted. SO i pulled it all off and off the gasket. I was wondering what you guys thought about hotglue? I've grown to love the stuff but I'm not sure what you guys think. Thanks
For some reason, my industrial grade velcro went funky on me. The sticky stuff kind of started "running" and getting all over the gasket. It wasn't hot in my room either. SO...I wasn't sure if I wanted to try that again, or try hot glue.....
Thanks guys I got it all situated and it is awesome. Thanks much! Yeah jinto, australia would be mighty toasty. hahah
Amazing tips to the skin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! is a great option guide to that...............................I gonna used to my asok too
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