Boba Jake v1.0


Jr Hunter
So I've been working on this for the past two months, and thanks to a ton of help from this forum, it's in passable condition for the Halloween festivities.

Of course, there is a LOT I still need to do to make it perfect/complete, but I'm pretty proud of it for my first draft of semi-budget 'Fett.


Special thanks to:
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Well, I did make a video (On a horrible ipod camcorder) with a few small updates a month ago, but I've done some more work and I'm waiting on some stuff to come in the mail.

I still plan on:
-Replacing the chest armor
-Replacing the helmet
-getting and painting my new boots
-pinning on the new braids Woodman is making for me
-sewing on batninja's neckseal that's currently in transit

I'll post pics when all of my upgrades are complete!

EDIT: Question - I find that my vest is a little too close to the ammo and girth belt when I've got it all on, probably because of my smaller build. How can I fix this?
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Got a picture with my new RKD chest armor (Finally got the layering technique down with this), batninja neckseal, BBF ammo belt, saint_nasty gloves, Nintendo Zapper sidearm (which can't be seen), WOF-template shin tools, MOW Jetpack harness, and rifle I got from clonecollector.


Almost ready for Philly-Con!
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Thanks! Yeah, I've still got a few more things coming in, but overall I'm pleased with how it's turned out. I'm planning on doing a little "photo shoot" in my extremely well-lit office once I get my remaining parts together. My dining room really doesn't do it justice.
Got to work on my new Asok CC helmet and MOW boots today.

Old Don Post on the left and Asok on the right.

Vice Versa for reverse shot.

Some back shots.


I still plan on going in to topically apply the smaller details.

I have a question though. Would it be a good idea to paint everything except the mandibles, then cut out the visor, paint, and put in the actual visor? It's the only way I can think of to keep the helmet safe from cracking and the visor unpainted.
Its a hard call on when to cut out the visor area, specially if youve not done it before, , how ever Id say cut it out and secure the visor in, and either tape up the visor or take it out when painting and when its sitting for a period of time replace the visor, I left one out of one of those asok helmets after I cut out the section and it buckled, for some reason resin helmets tend to want to change shape once that piece is cut out,,
Your costume is looking good,

also that Don Post looks quite large, and the dome quite rounded,(for a DP ) what year is it?
Thanks for the input, I'll try to be extra careful with it.

I don't have the helmet with me right now, but it's either a '96 or a '97. It's the one with the green interior, and it looks the way it does now because I reshaped it in an oven.
I used a mixture of Hunter Green and Navy Blue spray paints with a misting of grey. I'm mostly adhering to AFFO$'s spray paint list for this, since I don't have an airbrush.
Finished up the mandibles so all the main spraypainting is done. Still gotta reinforce the visor some more, it really scares me (The worst part of the entire helmet...).
Wow! Looks very good! There are two things I can comment so far: the missing dark brown on the red areas, which is essential to equilibrate the ESB color palette and the left ear's base color is not the same with the dome/lower cheek's color.
Keep up the great work!
Thanks man, means a lot!

Yeah, I still plan on adding the dark red topically since I didn't have a dark red spray paint, but I didn't know that about the ear. I'll probably end up doing a misting of Hunter green to darken/ green it up.

I have thread here about my ASOK helmet... you can see how I mounted the visor using chicago screws. Just make sure you scuff up the places you will mount the screws to so the glue has something to adhere to.
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