
Active Hunter
Fellow TDH'rs,
After reading Arts Wonderfully written and insightful GMH articles the other day(for the 10th time) , an interesting thought came to mind.Wouldnt this story make for a beautiful side piece (a historical piece of sorts) for GMH owners in order to present next to their helmets? My initial plan was to copy the article and have it displayed next to my helmet (whenever I get one) however, after doing so directly, well, let’s just say it wasn’t worthy of sitting next to any helmet let alone the GMH . That being said, I was able to throw Arts legendary chronicle into Microsoft Publisher resulting in what I feel to be a nice piece for any fett fan. Keep in mind that I am far from a graphic designer and/ or a computer science professional however, I am a tad familiar with presence of layout. As of current (as I know he is busy), I have been unsuccessful in conversing w/ Art personally but was able to briefly chat w/ Chris on this matter. After our conversation Chris more than embraced the idea and felt it would be "terrific" to share this w/ the TDH community. Once again, Arts many years of dedication to the historical timeline and arduous casting process related to fett history is what has facilitated such an amazing project! With the help of Chris I have attached Art Andrews historical timeline as a pdf along w/ an actual photo of how I will present mine. Again, special thanks to both Art and Chris for putting the GMH project together.




  • GMH Fett Article.pdf
    2.6 MB · Views: 237
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Well done bro well done, I have been sharing mine with a few fans around the office and they thought it was cool. Thanks again bro for taking the time to put this together and to Art and Chris to bringing the GMH to the fans.
B - Very cool! Look at you; becoming a significant contributor to TDH!!! LOL. J/K. Your painting skills ALONE made you that. This is just icing on the proverbial cake. Good job.
Thanks Brian, for bringing something out of cyberspace into something tangible. This is a nice addition to any GMH lid out there.
Hey all....Figured i'd shine some light on this again as to introduce it to the newer members. For those of you that have used it as a display piece, or even a coffee table feature, drop a pic as i'd love to see ; )! Heres how mine sits as of now....


  • GMH1.jpg
    77.5 KB · Views: 169
  • GMH2.jpg
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  • GMH3.jpg
    100 KB · Views: 162
  • GMH4.jpg
    66.9 KB · Views: 169
That's really cool, Brian! (y)
Might be overkill to print it and keep it with the GMH though. :p


But I've read that article several times and it's a great read!
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