The New Guy...


New Hunter
Well I finally was able to get over here too. Just what I need another Forum right?

Well wanted to intro myself. My name is Ryan. I am a 20 year veteran and “freshly” retired US Navy Aircrew Survival Equipmentman or better known as a Parachute Rigger. As for my career I went to boot camp in 1990 at Great Lakes, IL and my class “A” School was in Millington, TN. After graduation I was first stationed at NAS Miramar, CA with an E-2C Hawkeye Airborne Early Warning squadron for four years. Next, I moved a little south to NAS North Island also in San Diego, CA where I was with a helicopter SAR unit that maintained H-3 Sea King’s for four more years. Took the leap and moved all the way to Washington DC to Andrews AFB / NAF Wash DC to work on EA-6B’s Electronic Warfare jammers that took me all over the world before, during and after 9/11. I then headed south to NAS Atlanta to the Aircraft Intermediate Maintenance Department running the entire 800 Division Paraloft supporting 5 squadrons. On March 26th, 2006 I had the pleasure of Amanda Tapping performing my final re-enlistment ceremony in Vancouver, BC. Shortly later I headed to great white north for a brief year and half to NAS Brunswick, Maine to work on P-3 Orion’s until our decommission on 30 November 2007. I was then sent quickly down to the swamp to my last position for 3 years as Leading Petty Officer of the flight equipment shop of an F-18A+ adversary squadron stationed at NAS JRB New Orleans. I retired July 31st, 2010 with 20 years, 11 months and 22 days and moved north to return to college and work on my hobby.

As for my hobbies, I LOVE to scuba dive, I am Vol Firefighter and part Rescue Squad so I can cut you out of a car in under and hour! However the biggest one is prop and costuming. My wife and I both share this hobby and have spent years and way too much money putting together authentic and very realistic prop and costumes. My wife Katie is pretty well known in the SW world as HOTHGIRL. She is member of the 501st and RL. I started out doing only Stargate and Stargate Atlantis, but now I have a nice X-wing Pilot, I do a mean Quinlan Vos, and my pride and joy, and believed to be only one to ever do General Vos which i debuted at CV. I have a few others and now have about 20 full costumes. My wife has over 30 between Star Wars, Stargate, Stargate Atlantis, Stargate Universe, Firefly, Harry Potter, Matrix, Pirates and various Disney characters.

While in New Orleans I was hired as a military costume adviser and prop consultant on a major motion picture you guys might heard of called Green Lantern or something
They also gave me small part in the film. I had the pleasure of working for two Hollywood’s best Prop Master and Costume Designers. It was a dream come true for me and my wife to take my 20 years of military knowledge and our hobby and twist into a job. Now I am taking those skills and giving my friends a chance to share my passion for prop and costuming. So I created my own website. Over the years of becoming a rigger the nickname of “Stitch” was a constant, it normally was followed by the name of female dog by my friends in jest, but the word “Loft” was taken from Paraloft where all the work was done! It only seemed the obvious my site should be called “Stitch’s Loft”.

Stargate is my passion and will love that show forever, I would not met my wife if it was not for that show! Ya I am big geek at heart, but don't we all have little closet geek in all of us? Anyway I have a very LARGE knowledge of the film and the props, so thought I could share some that with the true fans and learn a lot from you guys in process! I enjoy new challenges and have been kicking around the idea of doing a Mandalorian type since the Clone Wars really took off. Financially I am not yet ready to go crazy, but I am far from rookie and know how to research and plan 3 times and pay once! So being I am in what I consider "research & planning stages" I thought now be time to seek out the experts in this area! I learn fast and I am very anal about my costumes and love always upgrading which sometimes goes against my plan 3 times pay once motto.

So fee free to hit me up and I am here for anyone to pick my brain, I feel you can learn something everyday! Feel free to drop by my site of your a SG fan or a full blown Gater and check out the loft...

Looking forward to starting my creation when time and money permits! Joined the Mercs and now looking for info here as well!

P.S. Who too my board NAME Stitch? That will be my first bounty!
Ok well I been gone for while, but I am back! Bought a house, had a kid, and need to get busy again!

Have a buddy that started a Fett and now he wants to sell off his parts... new interests I guess... Ya for me!

Soooo I figured I could take what he had and get started! Bucket is a GMH, but I am big boy and not a lot room in it, is that normal or should I be looking for different lid?

Then my wife and I were joking around and I said we should do Bill and Jill (Buffalo Bill) Fett costumes. Now we are SERIOUSLY thinking about it since the only one done was this guy (and he made his in 3 days). I was thinking more screen accurate approch with some artist leeway! Boba Bill - YouTube

His brother made a nice one~!
Fan Built Boba Fett Costume Replica - YouTube

Any input from you guys... I am thinking it prob take me a year with all I got on my plate but I think I want to commit to this build and have some fun! Figured I try this one for my first and go from there! Since it doesn't have to be PERFECT I can learn from my mistake on this before I build one I really want to go all out on!

Any input is welcome, plus have few fun ideas already!

All leather football belt pouches LACES OUT! :lol:

Forget the Bantha skull, go with the Bison skull
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As for the lid, the GMH is smaller than the budget helmet from Asok and animefan. If you are looking for armor check out fettpride's version 3 armor, or the wizard of flight armor templates. Both of those are a little bigger so that should help. A year to put it together is possible if you plan on doing a few things yourself. Parts like the armor, gauntlets, and jet pack will take a large portion of that timeframe if you are going to get them all from vendors.
Hope this helps and enjoy the ride that us building a fett.
Thanks I just want to take my time and do right first time, or almost right LOL

Are these FAN type based Fetts normally accepted pretty well if done well?

When I was in New Orleans Saints Fett (Larry) was always big hit with everyone on troops...
I don't think there would be any problem with a fan made helmet as long as it looked correct.
Yes I want it very screen accurate but with fun details... If that makes sense. I still not made up my mind what i want for sure but its one idea!
So back again, have few items I picked up from friend that abandon a project, now re-thinking do I want to do the WHITE concept Fett maybe? I live up here in Western NYS so we get a lot snow and think be fun to have white one esp in summer when its 90* out too!. Does the 501st accept the concept white version?
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