Starting Old Republic Guild


New Hunter
Completely unrelated but was just thinking here is a good place as any to do some recruiting since we are all nerds here for the most part if anyone is interested let me know you can pre make your guild on the bioware page right now i had a few names in mind but didn't want to start anything unless i had a good member base. Apparently if your guild is sizeable you can start the game with it already assembled I do plan for it to be Sith and on a east coast server everything else is open to debate
I'm in a guild now but I wouldn't be opposed to leaving it in favor of a guild composed of TDH members. Obviously it would depend on what type of server you are playing on.
If someone does make a TDH guild, then I'll probably end up joining it. I haven't joined any guilds yet, but I already signed up...
I have never played computer games (Xbox 360 ftw!), but I will be playing this. When I get a better computer. So I'd be interested in joining, if you don't mind a complete noob in your guild ;)
i dont have the game yet but i have played almost every other star wars game(still play kotor 1 and 2) so it sounds good to me. count me in
republic or sith? personally i'll be playing republic; i've got my reasons for doing so, but, if they don't turn out to be true i'll be making my way over to sith.
Well so far i know it will be an East coast server guild and Sith i mean after all thats the bounty hunter side lol other than that im open to suggestions as far as pvp server or pve goes i was thinking personally pve/RP a bit and ive had a few idea for guild names one thats been sticking for me is Fortune and Glory but that spells *** lol or It's Just Business open to more suggestions though
I'd definitely be interested...I've been waiting for this game since the cryptic announcement postcard bioware sent out a couple years back, and I'm not listed in any guild as of yet. However....i do agree with the acronym for fortune and glory, lol, we'll let that one go. Were you looking for serious or semi serious names? If not it could be "We Don't Disintegrate" rofl

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I'll create it probably this weekend and post the name of it and what not in the meantime still open for guild names and I liked the "We Don't Disentgrate" for some odd reason i'd find Affirmative Action or Equal Oppurtunity to be appealing as well or could just called it The Dented Helmet lol but i'd hate to steal the thunder from this board. Orginality is great.
Anytime i think of a name im just gonna post it to keep the topic bumped plus i have nothing better to do at my job lol was thinking maybe Desk Jockey's and also The Dented Corps
Feel like I'm talking to myself but I've def got the name down i think "Business before Pleasure" it fits considering after all thats what a bounty hunter is about at least in my opinion.
So officially i've created it up on the old republic main site Guild name is Business before Pleasure again it just seemed fitting its Empire side so drop your app and i'l accept it let me know if your from this website or not, also would be looking for good leader type officers since im active duty military and am prone to leaving a lot for months at a time i need good strong leadership. My account name for the guild too is Sparta_ shouldn't be too hard to find me anyway hope to see you guys drop your aps and i will accept, although for leadership positions i'd like to talk to you about them in e-mail or whatever before those get put out and feel free to invite your friends too.
From what ive seen from gameplay its a good thing the BH class will be able to to fulfill all big 3 roles Tank/Heal/DPS because i think we are going to have a lot of bounty hunters lol
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